Thursday, July 16, 2015


Batya Medad went to a conference by Tsohar with a panel discussion between Yehuda Glick and rabbi Joel Bin-Nun about the Temple Mount. And the former brought up an interesting part about alleged rabbis in today's world:
Yehuda Glick brought up the terrible situation in which Torah observant (aka Orthodox and Chareidi) rabbis have participated in the conspiracy to brainwash the Jewish People into believing that the Kotel hamaaravi, the Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish People, and that the Temple Mount is holiest for Islam.

IDF soldiers are now brought up to tour the Temple Mount and are only shown it from a Muslim perspective.

At the end of the program, one of the audience asked Glick how it could be that he is accusing prominent rabbis, including Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook, ZaTza"L, of being wrong.

And Glick answered exactly the way my mind was going. He reminded the audience of how many of the great European rabbis prior to World War Two, when the Nazis were taking over, had told their congregations to stay put. And before then, with the beginning of the Zionist movement, most rabbis had declared it evil and told their followers not to join. Glick also brought up an important point, that the earlier Rav Kook, ZaTza"L, had been in the minority among rabbis and had been condemned for his stands re:Zionism and the Land of Israel. Davka, Tzohar follows the Jewish teachings of Rav Kook, so they shouldn't be afraid to be in the minority.
He's right, and as mentioned before, Satmar's first overlord betrayed his congregation while saving his own skin. The rabbis of the early 20th century could easily be called anti-Israel if they didn't care about it. Perhaps worse still is how they didn't seem particularly worried about Europe's own situations and had no interest in playing their own part trying to better it.

That could explain why they seem to view Islam as legitimate and do nothing to object to its continuation, and why they apparently seem intent on rewriting history to act as though Islam always had a spot on the Temple Mount. Rabbi Kook, one man of mostly Haredi background who had common sense and respect for history, has long been shunned by modern Haredi isolationists as worthless.

But it's those who keep calling against Judaist activity on the Temple Mount and those who turn a blind eye to Islamofascism who're the truly unworthy of representing Judaism.

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