Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Conventional wisdom says that EVERYONE agrees that our "immigration system is broken."

Well, er... um: I DISAGREE.

We have enough laws on the books; we just need to enforce them!

And we need a fence and a wall and a moat on our border with Mexico.

If the current system keeps illegals in the shadows: FINE, that's where they belong.

Let's make it easier for people with skills our economy needs and higher education to come here legally, and let's start cracking down on the people who are here illegally.

This will raise wages for the working-class and help restore respect for the rule of law.

Amnesty is doublespeak for a set of policies that benefits the Democrat Party and corporations that want to drive wages lower.

Amnesty is code for diminishing the culture of the United States of America - something we used to teach with PRIDE to very grade-school child in America - and replacing it with a postmodern pastiche of anti-American transnationalism.

Amnesty must not pass this Congress or the people will surely rise up and make 2010 look like a picnic.

We will primary and toss out any Republican who supports amnesty.


Including Ryan.

We need a wall and we need to enforce the current laws. PERIOD.

If the politicians and bureaucrats can't do that, then we will toss them out.

They promised us a wall a decade ago.

We want it and we want it now.

Or else we will toss you out this November.

It's November or never.

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