Wednesday, January 22, 2014


NYTIMES: Cuomo's Pre-K Plans Set Up Tax Conflict With de Blasio
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's offer of $1.5 billion to expand prekindergarten is likely to be seen as an attempt to outmaneuver Mayor Bill de Blasio, who said on Tuesday he would still seek to tax the rich to pay for the program.
The fact that De Blasio is upset is not because Cuomo is "stealing" his idea of making pre-K universal, (which every serious test has show to be a useless program which means that expanding it only benefits the teachers' union and not children).

De Blasio is upset because the most satisfying thing about the proposal was NEVER expanding the program and rewarding the machine that elected him.

The most satisfying things was TAKING MONEY AWAY FROM RICH PEOPLE.

With socialists, it's all about the taking.

Covetousness is the sin that drives their agenda.

I imagine if Cuomo wins this funding battle - which he will - and the state finances this useless program which ONLY benefits the teachers' union, that De Blasio will still attempt to raise taxes on the rich and just send the money on to some other useless socialist scheme which really only benefits the machine and their narcissistic consciences.


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