Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I have been puzzled for a long time by unions that favor granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

After all, these 11 million illegals drive down wages, so... why do unions want them legalized so it's easier for employers to hire them?

Why do union want to increase the supply of labor when wages are stagnant and unemployment/underemployment so persistently high?

The answer is partisan politics:

The unions understand do care about average wages; they just care about union wages.

The government unions understand that they can get MUCH better deals from the democrat party and that the democrat party can turn the illegal aliens into democrat voters who will make it lore likely for dems to be elected and hand-out goodies to the unions.

The unions understand that the democrats will force employers to raise wages via the minimum wage.

In effect, the union bosses are willing to support amnesty even though it hurts workers because it helps them politically.

The unions put their political pals ahead of all workers, and their union workers in order to help their pals in the democrat party.

In effect, the unions are an arm of the democrat party and no longer advocates for workers.

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