Monday, March 19, 2007


Heard a little bit of Rush in the car this morning and he was talking about how this U.S. Attorneys firing scandal isn't a scandal at all.

It's true... President Bush can fire who he wants and his actions are hardly unprecedented.

Bill Clinton after all fired all the U.S. Attorneys (93) when he first came into office. It was his right and even back then, I didn't blame him.

We elect presidents for a reason: to lead. It's not out of line to want to bring in your own like-minded people, hell, I would think it's to be expected. Bush's failure to do so himself will probably go down as the biggest mistake of his presidency. He tried so hard to make his "new tone" work, and to wit he held onto a lot of Clinton people in the Executive Branch. The DOJ should have been cleaned out top to bottom, as well as the CIA and the State Department. But no, Bush let the stay and they continued to do their best to undermine his policies at every turn.
I should have seen it coming when the White House tried to cover-up the vandalism left by the Clinton thugs (remember the graffiti-ed walls and missing W's on the keyboards?).

No fight at all.

Now with this U.S. Attorney thing, Chuck Schumer says, 'well, yeah, Clinton fired all of them in '93 but Bush fired U.S. Attorneys that were investigating cases detrimental to him or not investigating cases that were beneficial to him.' However, no one seems to know what these cases are. This mountain of evidence seems to be for Chuck's eyes only, but even if there is evidence, it's still the president's prerogative.

Bottom line, we have a Stalinist movement to make it a crime for a sitting Republican president to exercise his executive powers.

How is this able to happen? One, our President refuses to fight back. Two, few people in the general public even know what U.S. Attorneys are and how they fit into our system of government. This in turn makes point three possible: We have an Orwellian up-is-down, black-is-white argument coming from the Democrats. The MSM reports it, doesn't question it and it becomes common knowledge that 'Bush illegally fired U.S. Attorneys.' That's all it takes in today's society. More at

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