Monday, March 19, 2007


Hey great news everybody! Now that Hamas and Fatah have stopped fighting and formed a unity government, the Palestinians have their eyes back on the ball. And that ball looks an awful lot like a terrorist weapon:
IDF soldiers on Sunday uncovered an explosive device weighing 7 kilograms (about 15.5 pounds) and a gas canister in a Palestinian's bag at the Beit Iba checkpoint, west of Nablus. Explosives were also found in a bag carried by another Palestinian man. The two Palestinians aroused the soldiers' suspicions and were asked to open their bags. After the explosives were found, the two bags were detonated in a controlled manner by Border Guard sappers. The Palestinians were taken into custody by security forces.
Looks like the Palestinians are following the the advice of the oh-so-moderate Abbas and turning their weapons on Israeli civilians. But hey, at least there's a unity government in place that Israel will be expected to negotiate with... because it's led by the oh-so-moderate Abbas.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

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