Friday, August 11, 2006


MCCARTHY at NRO's THE CORNER exposes the idiocy of the common claim that Bush and our robust, forward-leaning foreign policy - which includes actually fighting back and counter-attacking with our military - only makes the enemy worse/more popular and makes it easier for them to recruit:
In the decade after we left Saddam Hussein in power rather than deposing him, representatives of the umma responded by bombing the World Trade Center (1993), Khobar (1996), the embassies (1998), the U.S.S. Cole (2000); unsuccessfully plotting to blow up much of Manhattan (1993), a bunch of airliners (1994-95), L.A. Int'l Airport (2000) and the U.S.S. The Sullivans (2000); and finally killing almost 3000 of us in suicide hijackings that destroyed the WTC and damaged the Pentagon.

But [according to the Left and the NYTIMES - reliapundit] it was the Iraq war of 2003 that radicalized them.

It couldn't possibly have been, say, the Koran's Sura 9:5 ("Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever ye find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.")
The NYTIMES and the doves of the Left - who dominate the MSM and the Democrat Party - are no different than the appeasers of the 1930's who gave into Hitler hoping/believing that they could mollify him and avoid war.

As Churchill said at the time (1938, upon the signing of the Munich Pact - which PM Chamberlain and the MSM described as accomplishing "peace in our time", (paraphrasing): "The appeasers had the choice between dishonor or war; they chose dishonor and soon they shall also have war." Meaning: the peace you attain with the likes of Hitler and jihadomaniacs is fleeting, a mere hudna signed by them merely for temporary gain.

The answer now is the same as the answer in 1938: to truly attain peace we must utterly destroy the enemy, vanquish him. Wipe him out, and wipe their filthy ideology off the face of the earth.


The question keeps coming up: Do you think this British thing is al Qaeda or Hezbollah? Answer: what difference does it make. They have their differences but when it comes to the West (and especially the U.S., the U.K. and Israel), THEY WORK TOGETHER.
He presents proof from the 1998 CLINTON ERA indictment of OBL, and from the 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT.

I have long maintained that distinguishing alQaeda from Hamas or Hizballah and Fatah and IJ and GIA is like distinguishing one NAZI army divison from another. Tactically it might make a little sense, but strategically it's a total waste of time: for all useful purposes we have but one enemy: islamofascism, and the islamofascists suffer from but one ideology: jihadomania. We must destroy all of them to retain our liberty and attain peace.


GATES OF VIENNA asks: "Are you tired of unsightly facts?" Click here and get cured!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


This video effectively relates the deep and ritualized bloodlust and pervasively dehumanizing hatred which lie at the cold dark core of the very souless heart of our jihadomaniaical enemy. WARNING: the truth is very graphic at times. (Via MS. UNDERESTIMATED.)


The jihadomaniacs are habitual liars; they lie about a lot of things:
they lied about Jenin;
they lied about al Dura;
they lied about Gaza Beach;
they lied about Qana;
they lied about Hula. (We'll call this one HULA OOPS!");
they stage events and get the MSM to broadcast them as if they were news.

They tell a great big whopper about the so-called al aksa mosque being in Jerusalem.
We shouldn't be surpised that they lie so baldly and so frequently.

After all, people who:
systematically abuse their wives and daughters and sisters - to the point where they routinely murder them and call it "honor killing", and people who commit genocide against their fellow Muslims, and who commit genocide against Hindus (since well before 9/11), and genocide against Buddhists and who commit crimes aainst humanity directed at Buddhist World Heritage sites, and who behead journalists and slaughter female charity workers; and who toss crippled men in wheelchairs from the decks of ocean liners; and who murder babies; and who fly jets into skyscrapers in an attempt to murder tens of thousands -
will; of course tell a lie when they think it suits their purposes.

What is disappointing and enraging is that the MSM repeats these lies. (More HERE.)

The MSM does this because the MSM is dominated by post modern Leftists who are anti-Bush, and anti-Israel, and essentially anti-West.

[They are anti-West because have swallowed - hook, line and sinker - the post modernist lies about the West, namely that we are responsible for (a) Third World poverty, (b) global warming, and (c) most of the genocide in human history. All are false:

(a) Third World poverty is the result of their lack of free markets and industrialization - remember: the USA and Canada and Australia and Hong Kong and India were all colonies. Each became rich with free markets and industrialization. FACT:
In the last 50 years, $2.3 trillion has been spent to help poor countries. Yet Africans' income and life expectancy have gone down, not up, during that period, while South Korea, Singapore and other Asian nations that received little if any assistance have moved from African-level poverty to European-level prosperity thanks to their superior economic policies.
(b) Global warming is natural, not anthropogenic. (More here and here. And here and here and here.)

(c) And more genocide has occured within the Third World than outside it, or between it and the First World. And, contrary to what Leftist may feel, more genocide within the West was perpetrated by socialists in the name of socialism than by religous people in the name of their religion or sect. I short, post modernist analysis and theories are based on lies - and this is another affinity they have with the enemy.]

The MSM - like the academy - is a Fifth Column aiding and abetting a ruthless, mendacious, genocidal, misogynistic, racist enemy. To win WW3, we must defeat the Left first. We will not defeat the jihadomaniacs untiol we defeat this enemy at home.


I wonder, was this huge international terror plot planned for 8/22?
I wonder, will those who have not yet been caught still try to go forward with their plan?

I feel that if this plot is connected to the jihadomaniacal timing, that then there are probably other attacks planned for other cities in other nations - plots which have yet to be exposed and thwarted.

I think the civilized world should go on red alert until 8/22.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Joe lost. Lieberman loses. If an incumbent liberal hawk like Joe Lieberman can't win renomination in his own party, then what has that party become!? I'll tell you what: A party of doves, appeasers, anti-Semites, and Leftists. The party of Lamont and Sheehan and the NYTimes.

I hope the silent majority is looking and listening...

BTW: I think that the fact that Joe is Jewish really hurt him with the base of the Democrats. HERE'S WHY: the Dems are no longer Israel's best friend; here's an excerpt from MICHAEL BARONE, (he recently commented on a recent poll by the LAT and Bloomberg):
[The poll asked:]

Should the United States continue to align itself with Israel, adopt a more neutral posture, or align more with Arab countries?

By a 50 to 44 percent margin, respondents said we should stick with Israel rather than take a more neutral posture; only 2 percent want us to side more with Arab countries.

But there's a big difference between respondents of different parties. Here's a table showing the results, including independents.

Continue with Israel: Reps 64; Inds 46; Dems 39

More neutral posture R-29 ; I-49; D-54

We see a similar split on assessments of the current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

The poll asked whether Israel's action was justified and not excessively harsh, justified but excessively harsh, or unjustified....

A majority, 56 percent, of Democrats think Israel did not act properly, while an even bigger majority, 64 percent, of Republicans think Israel did act properly. That's a pretty sharp difference. [Umph added.]
I hope Jews still clinging to their Democrat Party affiliation are looking and listening - and rethinking their affiliation. After all, the majority of Dems think the USA should be neutral in dealings between Hizb'allah - (which until 9/11 had murdered more Americans than any other terrorist organization in the world, and which is a fanatical Islamofascist terrorist group - and Israel, (a staunch ally and a pluralistic democracy).

This is amoral, if not NUTS! Favoring neutrality toward any group of jihadomaniacs is at the very least appeasement. And I would argue it is anti-Semitic at its core - after all, Sheehan has repeatedly argued that her son "Casey died for Israel." The Democrats who, like her, blame Israel, the neocons, the Likud - and/or "the Israel Lobby" - are the very same Democrats who comprise the netroots groups, and powered the Lamont victory.

It is time for most Jews to vote GOP. The Dems don't trust you, or like Israel.

More on the Loony Left's win HERE.


The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) today announced it will begin a national advertising campaign to challenge the Jewish community to consider the nature of today’s Democratic Party given the defeat of Senator Joe Lieberman. ...
“The Democratic Party is being taken over by the Cindy Sheehan, Howard Dean, Al Sharpton wing which represents weakness on foreign policy and neutrality toward Israel,” said RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks. “The left-wing defeat of Senator Joe Lieberman is a troubling development for all Jewish Americans who care about a strong national defense and support for Israel. Now that the Democrats have voted Joe Lieberman out of the party, Jewish Democrats should ask themselves, ‘Is this the political party I want to be part of?’”
My answer: NO.

UPDATE #3: I have not claimed, nor would I claim that most people from CT are anti-Semitic. In fact, I think Joe will win the election, handily.

I am saying that the NUTROOTS/Left which is begininng to dominate the Democrat Party is anti-Semitic.

They are further to the Left than McGovern ever was, and they will lead the party to a worse defeat. The Al From/Joe Lieberman/DLC wing of the party is the only part of the party fit to lead and capable of winning elections.

The fundamental political idiocy of the Loony Left is this: they fervently believe that they can gain more votes by becoming more extreme. This is a practical and logical impossibility. Centrists do better because they have a broader appeal - by definition. All the Loony Left does is make the GOP and Lieberman look more sensible. And more centrist and more electable.

Thanks for linking: Instapundit; basil's blog; The Anchoress; Dissecting Leftism; Tel-Chai Nation; A Western Heart; and CUANAS.

NEW MOTTO FOR THE MSM: "Truth!? We don't need no stinking truth!"

It's more accurate than "ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT TO PRINT", but they'll have to share it with the Left, the ecofascists, and the jihadomaniacs.


Er um, that's because the only thing massacred was the truth. ROGER L. SIMON reported that the NYTIMES (as of 5PM PT) hadn't written WORD ONE about Reutergate. I just searched again, and there is still not one word.

The NYTIMES is as intellectually dishonest as they are amoral and traitorous.

ALERT: ELEVEN EGYPTIAN "STUDENTS" GO AWOL - and the Feds don't release photos

Today we now know of 11 young men from Egypt who have gone missing among us. They are joining a large number of other illegal aliens who have gone missing in our midst, hiding in plain sight. I hope that when we next hear about them it will not be in conjunction with another terrorist attack.

Perhaps these students from a country that has a very serious terrorism problem simply went sightseeing. Perhaps they are driving taxis and will go home to Egypt when they have had their fill of New York's rush hour. Or, perhaps, just maybe, they are hiding in plain sight while they await instructions to participate in a terrorist attack.
BLUE CRAB BOULEVARD: I have not been able to find pictures of the missing men, but will update if the become available.

RELIAPUNDIT: What's the friggin' problem with our effin' govt!? Can't they get their hands on and release photos of these guys?! Maybe we should turnover the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI to America's Most Wanted and John Walsh!?



U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad and General George Casey have issued a joint statement regarding the assumption by another Iraqi Division of control of its area of operations:
Today, in another sign of progress toward a stable and secure Iraq, the Fourth Iraqi Division Headquarters officially assumed the lead in its area of responsibility from the 101st Airborne Division. This achievement represents the. . .halfway mark of our joint goal of putting all Iraqi Security Forces in the lead in coordinating, planning and conducting security operations in Iraq. We congratulate the Iraqi people and the Government of Iraq on this important milestone.
... Maj. Gen. Bill McCoy, who is in charge of all reconstruction efforts in Iraq, [wrote] to the Washington Post... to protest the Post's coverage of reconstruction efforts. In particular, he objected to an article written by Andy Mosher, who spent three days with McCoy but then, McCoy says, reported incompletely and inaccurately on what he saw. It's a long letter, and the General cites chapter and verse. A very brief excerpt:
He never told folks back home about the thousands of children that are now in 800 new or rebuilt schools, or about oil production now being back to pre-war levels and getting better everyday, or raw sewage being taken out of the streets and put back in the pipes where it belongs, or about the thousands of miles of new roads, or post offices, police stations or courthouses or... well, he just left a great deal out now, didn't he?


Perhaps it's because some in the press don't want the American people to know the truth and prefer instead to only report the negative aspects of the news because "it sells papers."
RELIAPUNDIT: The MSM is dominated by the Left and they are a Fifth Column. Which is why I say, "To defeat the enemy we first have to defeat the Left."


Uriah KriegeL/TCS:
When it's neither sad nor infuriating, it's at least amusing to see the UN and western media scramble to rationalize a moral defense of Hezbollah in the present Lebanese crisis -- and to mount ever more convoluted rationales for moral condemnation of Israel. With undeniable ingenuity, moral principles are concocted by the lights of which Israel is found guilty of one moral atrocity after another, while the actions of its assaulter are excused. There have been at least three manifestations of such moral equivocation in the present crisis -- wrapped around three allowances that Hezbollah has been granted but Israel denied.
Kriegel - a philosphy professor at U Arizona - proves his case. RTWT.


... Leftists, appeasers, anti-Semites, and blame-America-firsters in Europe and the U.S. think that they can do business or "dialogue" with the Islamofascists, or at best hold them at bay. They are so blinded by their own ideology that they refuse to see the undermining effect their policies have on the very countries that provide them a platform for their rhetoric. Despite assassinations of filmmakers like Theo Van Gogh, vilification and death threats against intellectuals like Oriana Fallachi, and open declarations vowing death to the West, they continue to operate as if they are going to be exempt from the stonings and beheadings that will accompany Islamofascist victory.
RTWT. BTW: "Gordon Cucullu is a former Green Beret lieutenant colonel..."





Churchill once said (paraphrasing), "A lie travels around the world five times before the truth can get it pants on."

And that exactly why Reuters and Siniora and Ricks - and the MSM in general, and Kofi Annan, too whn he charged the IDF deliberately targeted the UNIFIL post - lie so often; they hate Bush and Israel and want to take them down anyway they can. (Partial list of last years Bogus Bush Scandals HERE.)

The only thing really being massacred is the truth. By those who hate Bush and Israel.

[YEAH: I'm calling Tom Ricks an anti-Semite. WHY?! Anyone who repeats the slur he repeated on national TV is either an out-and-out joooooo-hater or someone who is "allergic." No one who respects Israel and Jews could have believed his slur for a nanosecond.

I DIDN'T; the second he said it I recognized it for what it was - as did the folks at Power Line. Why did we smell the BS? Because we love the truth and Justice as much as we love the USA and Israel.

But folks like Siniora and Ricks and the editors of Reuters value their "takedown Bush/takedown Israel" agenda more than anything else. And that's the ONLY reason they LEAP at any chance - no matter how patently false - to slander Bush and Israel.]

Monday, August 07, 2006


Anything - any distortion, any exaggeration, any lie - which hurts Bush and Israel is A-OK to the Fourth Estate/Fifth Column.

Katrina's 10,000 dead; Bush's service during Vietnam; the massacre in Jenin; the massacre in Hula. And so on.

The only thing that's really been massacred is the truth.


For a variety of reasons, Ariel Sharon embraced the popular policy of unilateral disengagement from Gaza. The force and power of his personality and his impeccable defense credentials helped make it happen.

But it came at a huge cost: the splintering of the Likud party. Sharon surmounted that by creating a new party - Kadima - which united elements of Likud with elements of the Left-wing Labor party. As soon as Kadima was formed it became overwhelmingly popular, and led in all the polls by a wide margin - over both Labor and Likud.

Then Ariel Sharon got sick, and his condition worsened; he eventually fell into a very serious coma. Ehud Olmert became acting PM and chairman of Kadima. As a result, Kadima barely won the election, and they had to form a more precarious coalition with more parties - and by giving more power to the Left-wing and more dovish Labor.

This more precarious coaliton is one reason why Iran and Assad had their proxies - both Hamas and Hizb'allah - act so wrecklessly and so boldly: they wanted to take advantage of what they felt was a relatively weak coalition in Jerusalem led by an untested PM.

They weren't entirely wrong: though resloute himself, Olmert has found it necessary to have several cabinet meetings in which his core defense group votes on new policies. For example, this group voted at first to limit ground troops and to limit reserve call ups. Because Olmert is PM he is ultimately responsibole for these decisions and the entire-decision-making process. I give him a "C" - but some bloggers claim the IDF gives him an "F".

Sharon would not have had to submit these decisions to a vote - or had he, his cabinet would have been more compliant to his decisions -- both because he was a more powerful and resolute personality and decision-maker, and because by winning the election more soundly than Olmert, his cabinet would have been more unified and more supportive.

And things would be very different now.

This is not an exercise in "coulda-woulda-shoulda." It is meant as an instruction - a lesson, as a message to Olmert: Ehud, ask yourself, "What would "Arik" do?" And then make it so.

I think Arik would have sent in more troops in more quickly and in an even more bold fashion. Instead of mostly sending in quick attack forces and commandos on targeted missions, he would have sent in a larger force from the west, and aimed to trap and then smash the trapped Hizb'allah fighters between these expeditionary forces and a massive force moving north. Commandos would then search and destroy the pockets of resistance within this cut-off this area.

Olmert used the IAF properly but waited too long to send in ground troops and then sent too few. This has complicated matters and allowed the enemy to gain some valuable propaganda - much of which will remain in the minds of much of the public even after it has`been disproven by reasonbable investigators.

That being said, I feel that Hizb'allah has been decimated. Should the IDF be able to keep up the pace of the attack for two or three more weeks Hizb'allah will be history. I think there is sufficient unity inIsrael to support this - and more. Especially with life-long doves like Shimon Peres calling for Hizb'allah to be disamrmed and destroyed and helping to rally Israelis to the cause.

It is not a matter of "IF"; it is only a matter of "when". I had posted that Hizb'allah would be defeated and the war would be over by 8/3. Olmert's hesitation to use all available force has caused this war to drag on a few more weeks than I expected. But it will be over soon: we are closer to the end than to the beginning.

Bottom-line: Arik: we miss you.


I wish the Left would make up their COLLECTIVE mind: either the Bush Crime Family planned 9/11 or we deserved it for impoverishing the Third World and supporting Zionism.

It cannot be both - except in the collective mind of the Left, who have no problem believing that Bush is simultaneously in the control of the Christian fundamentalists, the Wahhabist House of Saud, and the neo-cons/Likud/Kadima/JOOOOOOZE!


Some argue that Hizb"allah is a nationalist movement defending Lebanon. Some argue it is a part of the Axis of Evil - a proxy of Iran and/or Syria. Others argue that it is merely a part of the Iranian Army.

ALL MISS THE POINT: Hizb'Allah isn't a nationalist army or part of Assad's military or Iran's. It is exactly what it says it is: HIZB'ALLAH - army of the Islamic God - IS A RELIGIOUS ARMY DEPLOYED IN A RELIGIOUS WAR.

YUP: This WW is a religious war. As VDH wrote: IT AIN'T ABOUT THE WAR.

We should stop thinking in terms of geographical hegemony and accept that the enemy are irrational religious fanatics who spew a vitriolic genocidal ideology bent on subordinating the entire world to their religion. Since it it not about geographical hegemony, the war cannot be contained geographically - or completely understood in traditional nationalist hegmonistic terms. It is not the American Empire versus the Third World, or the Zionists against the Arabs - as people like Chomsky and Sheehan and Moore and Moulitsas believe. It is the Free World versus global jihad.

And we must defeat them everywhere to defeat them anywhere. Every front. Including Damascus and Tehran and Beirut and Baghdad and Khandahar and Thailand and.... everywhere.

It would be easier to win the WW if the Left wasn't running interference for the enemy - or advocating surrender and appeasement.


The Bush Crowd cannot lose the CT primary: if Lieberman holds on, then their ally on the war issue rebukes their worst foes. If Lieberman loses the primary then Lamont will galvanize the loony Left and highlight the fact that the Dems have been taken over by the doves and appeasers.

It's a win-win for Rove. MORE HERE.

MORE PROOF THE ANTI-WAR/ANTI-BUSH/ANTI-ISRAEL CROWD IS INSANE - or what BDS has in common with anti-Semitism

Tom Ricks - chief war correspondent for the WASHPOST, who wrote "FIASCO", a book about the Iraq War - said on a news-talk show on TV yesterday that [paraphrasing], "the GOI/IDF was deliberately NOT taking out ALL the Hizb'Allah rocket launchers so that they'd have an excuse for keeping up the fight until they destroy Hizb'Allah." IOW: deliberately taking civilian casualties so that their continued counter-attacks would seem morally acceptable.

So... according to this logic, the GOI/IDF is not taking out Hizb'Allah's most deadly weapon because they want to destroy Hizb'Allah - in order to... make them unable to launch their most deadly weapon --- which they could simply wipe-out, if they really wanted to. This crticism of Israel is anti-Semitic because it grades Israel by a standard which it doesn't hold Israel's enemies to. And, because - without a scintilla of evidence - he is accusing the GOI/IDF of using the tactics of Hizb"allah - whom we know uses civilian shields (and targets civilians). And it is insane. too: if the GOI/IDF could destroy all of Hizb'Allah's offensive weapons, then they would and thereby defeat Hizb'Allah.

Essentially Hicks is arguing that that they don't want to defeat Hizb'Allah so that they can defeat Hizb'Allah. Sheesh.

This is the same INSANE kind of illogic which the Left spews against Bush.

For example, according to a recent poll, 30% believe Bush and his cronies planned and executed 9/11. They believe this in spite of all the evidence, the fact that AlQaeda had claimed responsibility, and the fact that there has not been one whistleblower. Meanwhile, the NSA Surveillance Program had two dozen whistleblowers (according to the NYTIMES). So, the INSANE anti-Bushie crowd believes that a legally debatable surveillance plan which killed no one COULD NOT be kept secret, but an illegal and immoral and diabolical plan which aimed at killing tens of thousands and which killed 3000 CAN be kept secret. Sheesh. (More here and here.)

The only explanation for this illogic is a hatred of Bush which short-circuits the rationality of otherwise rational people. This is like anti-Semitism.