Monday, August 07, 2006


Some argue that Hizb"allah is a nationalist movement defending Lebanon. Some argue it is a part of the Axis of Evil - a proxy of Iran and/or Syria. Others argue that it is merely a part of the Iranian Army.

ALL MISS THE POINT: Hizb'Allah isn't a nationalist army or part of Assad's military or Iran's. It is exactly what it says it is: HIZB'ALLAH - army of the Islamic God - IS A RELIGIOUS ARMY DEPLOYED IN A RELIGIOUS WAR.

YUP: This WW is a religious war. As VDH wrote: IT AIN'T ABOUT THE WAR.

We should stop thinking in terms of geographical hegemony and accept that the enemy are irrational religious fanatics who spew a vitriolic genocidal ideology bent on subordinating the entire world to their religion. Since it it not about geographical hegemony, the war cannot be contained geographically - or completely understood in traditional nationalist hegmonistic terms. It is not the American Empire versus the Third World, or the Zionists against the Arabs - as people like Chomsky and Sheehan and Moore and Moulitsas believe. It is the Free World versus global jihad.

And we must defeat them everywhere to defeat them anywhere. Every front. Including Damascus and Tehran and Beirut and Baghdad and Khandahar and Thailand and.... everywhere.

It would be easier to win the WW if the Left wasn't running interference for the enemy - or advocating surrender and appeasement.


  1. It would be easier to defeat the religious enemy if we held states responsible for the fact that organizations like Hizbollah have political legitimacy within their borders.

    That's why I argue that Hizbollah is the Lebanese army. You see, it gives us the right to invade Lebanon.

  2. Reliapundit,
    There's fresh meat for you over on the Good Cop/Bad Cop post at IBA.


  3. pasto: great post.

    i want to post your stuff here. is that okay?

  4. Sure, I'd be honored. But, I'm afraid I din't make myself clear in referring to "fresh meat" for you over at my post.

    There's a commenter named Demosthenes who is attacking you for calling Bush a "big-spending liberal." I told him he'd better watch out or he's gonna get hurt.

    I can't wait to watch you turn him around on this.


  5. Oh yes, he is well known for his skill in discussions.
