Monday, August 07, 2006

MORE PROOF THE ANTI-WAR/ANTI-BUSH/ANTI-ISRAEL CROWD IS INSANE - or what BDS has in common with anti-Semitism

Tom Ricks - chief war correspondent for the WASHPOST, who wrote "FIASCO", a book about the Iraq War - said on a news-talk show on TV yesterday that [paraphrasing], "the GOI/IDF was deliberately NOT taking out ALL the Hizb'Allah rocket launchers so that they'd have an excuse for keeping up the fight until they destroy Hizb'Allah." IOW: deliberately taking civilian casualties so that their continued counter-attacks would seem morally acceptable.

So... according to this logic, the GOI/IDF is not taking out Hizb'Allah's most deadly weapon because they want to destroy Hizb'Allah - in order to... make them unable to launch their most deadly weapon --- which they could simply wipe-out, if they really wanted to. This crticism of Israel is anti-Semitic because it grades Israel by a standard which it doesn't hold Israel's enemies to. And, because - without a scintilla of evidence - he is accusing the GOI/IDF of using the tactics of Hizb"allah - whom we know uses civilian shields (and targets civilians). And it is insane. too: if the GOI/IDF could destroy all of Hizb'Allah's offensive weapons, then they would and thereby defeat Hizb'Allah.

Essentially Hicks is arguing that that they don't want to defeat Hizb'Allah so that they can defeat Hizb'Allah. Sheesh.

This is the same INSANE kind of illogic which the Left spews against Bush.

For example, according to a recent poll, 30% believe Bush and his cronies planned and executed 9/11. They believe this in spite of all the evidence, the fact that AlQaeda had claimed responsibility, and the fact that there has not been one whistleblower. Meanwhile, the NSA Surveillance Program had two dozen whistleblowers (according to the NYTIMES). So, the INSANE anti-Bushie crowd believes that a legally debatable surveillance plan which killed no one COULD NOT be kept secret, but an illegal and immoral and diabolical plan which aimed at killing tens of thousands and which killed 3000 CAN be kept secret. Sheesh. (More here and here.)

The only explanation for this illogic is a hatred of Bush which short-circuits the rationality of otherwise rational people. This is like anti-Semitism.


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