Sunday, November 19, 2006


There's more to life than war, taxes and politics - and a lot of it's more fun, too! That's why every WEEKEND, here at THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, we post our opinions on some of the cultural things we're into, things we think you might also find entertaining, enriching, and stimulating. Good for "Rest & Relaxation" - "R&R".

Please check it out every week - and tell your friends. We just might turn you on to something cool. After all, the arts - ALL ARTS, not just fine arts - are a big part of what our liberty is for, and what we're fighting to defend!
On Friday, when I went to visit my ninety-year-old aunt in Inova Fairfax Hospital, I didn't expect to feel as if I were walking through an art museum. On my way to the main tower of the facility, I stopped to take in the beauty as I walked through the halls of the Inova Heart and Vascular Institute. Take the virtual tour by clicking on the photo on the right of your screen to see what I mean. Despite all the parking hassles, I left the hospital in better spirits than when I arrived because I had stumbled upon the work of a brilliant architect who understood the needs of the human spirit.
I had a Polish friend who used to love to watch National Geographic documentaries of exotic animals hanGing out at watering-holes in Africa. She called watching them "taking a Polish vacation." (This is sort of like me calling the white T-shirt showing above my shirt collar a Polish Ascot!) Anyhow, last week I took a Polish Vacation - TO ITALY, by watching several great clips at YOU TUBE. (BTW: If folks who watch too much TV are called "couch potatoes," then are people who watch too much YOU TUBE properly called u-tubers!? GET IT?! TUBERS = POTATOES! Astute, huh!). Anyhow here's some of what I watched and really liked: San Remo 95, 1st place song; San Remo 95 2nd place song; the climax of Cinema Paradiso; Dalla, Morandi, Ramazotti; Puccini's La Boheme; Amarcord; the Sistine Chapel; the WORLD CUP '06! ; Monica (careful... nsfw).
PASTORIUS: stay tuned...

The Empire Strikes Back: This month, Cinemax is showing the original 3 Star Wars movies. I was able to catch Episode 5, The Empire Strikes Back the other night. After George Lucas nearly ruined a film dynasty with 3 ridiculous prequels, it's good to watch a masterpiece like ESB. The acting is great, there's drama from the get-go and it ends with a perfect cliffhanger. It just goes to show you, when you hit it big, quit while you're ahead.
PUNDITARIAN: stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. My husband had a different take on my appreciation of the architecture. He felt that the money would have been better spent on patient care or on more parking at the hospital.

    Then again, my husbsnd is not into architecture. He's of a practical mindset. Makes for a balanced marriage.
