Saturday, November 18, 2006


On November 8th, in the High Court of Justiciary, Edinburgh, Scotland, Lord Uist sentenced Imran Shahid, Mohammad Faisal Mushtaq, and Zeeshan Shahid to life imprisonment for an awful hate crime they had committed in 2004.
"This murder consisted of the premeditated, cold-blooded execution of your victim by stabbing him 13 times and setting him alight with petrol while he was still in life. It truly was an abomination. The savage and barbaric nature of this notorious crime has rightly shocked and appalled the public.Your victim must have been in a state of extreme terror while held by you during a four hour car journey across Central Scotland and back, and the agony which he must have suffered during the period between being stabbed and set alight and his death is just beyond imagining. None of you has shown any remorse for what you have done."
No remorse. Just look at their pictures. The face of evil, in three incarnations. 15-year-old Kriss Donald was selected as their victim simply because he was a white Scot. Life imprisonment is not an appropriate response to this crime. (Hat tip: Mesopotamia West.)

Reliapundit adds: These convictions and the statement of this judge are GREAT. But, there are millions, if not tens of millions - or even hundreds of millions - of other fanatical Muslim men who would do exactly what these three have done to ANYONE one of us , OR ALL OF US. And arrests, convictions and strong judicial statements can not adequately address the danger they present us.

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