Sunday, November 19, 2006


"Jilted Jack" Murtha uses the euphemism of "redeployment" when he demands that the United States admit defeat, pull up tents & stakes, and cut& run from Iraq. But Al Qaeda is already redeploying from the Iraq battlefield. According to MI5, the British intelligence service, as reported in the Sunday Telegraph, Al Qaeda is moving its personnel assets out of Iraq -- to the British Isles:

MI5 agents believe that young Asian men, who have been trained to take part in the so-called "global jihad" in al-Qaeda camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan, are now regarded as too valuable an asset to be used fighting British and American troops.

MI5 and MI6 are working on the assumption that they are being ordered to return to their communities in Britain with instructions to establish secret, autonomous cells and to conduct independent terrorists operations without any direct input from al-Qaeda's high command.

This is bad news for the British, but it is certainly one indication that the battle for Iraq is no longer seen as a vital opportunity by the Al Qaeda leadership. As President Bush and Prime Minister Blair have emphasized, it would be much better to engage and kill these fanatical terrorists in Iraq, rather than in London or Chicago.

And weakening the intelligence and surveillance programs - (Reliapundit adds: PART OF THE DEMOCRAT PLAN FOR ACTION IN THE NEW CONGRESS) - that have succeeded in stopping many potentially devastating attacks would be unwise.


  1. this is because we are killing them in iraq, and blair is doing bupkuss in the UK.

    i also believe that many AQ aree being ordered underground in anticipation of a very big WMD attack between now and the spring.

    AQ wants their OPS spread out in the event of a massive retaliatory strike.

    the uk is the likeliest spot, with the USA next. and it is most likely to occur after the dems take control of congress.

    which mewasn between feb and april.

    if we don't catch more.

    or. aq will lay low until the dems emasculate our counter-intel propgrams.

    assuming bush's veto is overridden.

    in any case: a mega attack with WMD is only a matter of time. it's when not if.

  2. Punditarian,
    A keen insight you had here. I read the same story this morning, but did not put two and two together. Great job.

    It does indeed look like Al Qaeda is attempting to clear out of the area. Put this together with the recent orders to clear out of the Afghanistan/Waziristan border area, and we see that Al Qaeda is making a major redeployment, and you do have to wonder why. I agree with Punditarian that it is a sign we are winning there in Iraq, but I think their response to us winning might be a bit worse than we think it will be.

    Should be interesting
