Sunday, November 06, 2005

BBC: "US and Iraqis continue offensive"

I think that the headline says a lot - especially coming from the BBC! Iraqis troops are beginning to take the lead in joint operations and soon they will take over the fight and WIN. And they have a constitution, and soon a popularly elected parliament. THIS IS A GREAT CHAPTER IN HUMAN HISTORY. GOD BLESS GEORGE BUSH!

BTW: the fighting has been awesome and our troops and our Iraqi ALLIES have been fantastic (same BBC link):
US and Iraqi forces have fought insurgents house-to-house in a town near Iraq's border with Syria during a major new offensive, the US army says. About 3,500 US and Iraqi troops backed by tanks and fighter aircraft moved into Husayba early on Saturday. A US army spokesman said 17 insurgents had been killed. He said there were no military or civilian casualties.
Thank God.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:27 PM

    now Al Q is threatining a major counter offensive...

    must mean operation iron curtain is working!
