Sunday, November 06, 2005


EVRY, France (AFX) - Thirty police were hurt, two of them seriously, when they were shot at while responding to unrest south of Paris, officers said. The riot squad officers were hit by buckshot fired from pistols and hunting rifles in the suburb of Grigny. The two badly injured were hospitalized while the 27 others were treated on the spot. One officer was slightly hurt by buckshot in nearby Draveil. A school and a kindergarten were set on fire in the same region, police said, adding that some 30 people were arrested.

The insurrection is burgeoning in scope and fervor and deadliness. At some point, the authorities must present a greater force effect against the perps. Why they haven't yet is NUTS. Do they think it will just burn itself out!?

The French ineffectiveness here - as in the Ivory Coast, and elsewhere has fed the flames. And Chirac's threat to arrest the perp and make them serve jail time is panzy-assed nonsense: French prisons are a hotbed of islamism already; anyone they send there will come out worse.

They need to be ruthless. It will send the right signal: "don't mess with us." Anything short of that just invites further escalation. BTW: I used the word insurrection (above) on purpose: this intifada is a direct threat to the rule of law and the economy of France. Chirac must come to realize that "it's us or them" and the "us" ain' his UMP but French/European France.

More HERE. And HERE. And HERE.


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM

    this is being orchestrated by the Iranians to punish the french/europeans for their contesting of the iranian atom energy/weapon program - and to damage Sarkhozy...

  2. Re your "us vs. them" comment, apparently this isn't obvious yet to the French authorities. They have developed a very attenuted sense of what "us" means. Certain minimal actions should have been taken last week. A curfew should be imposed in certain neighborhoods and at least rubber bullets should be employed. This lack of response must only serve to embolden the rioters and arsonists.

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    They should have had a curfew after day 3!

    Now I believe mass deportation is more fitting.

  4. I think Anonymous who said the Iranians are behind this is likely correct.

    What do you think, Reliapundit?

    By the way, I took up your style today and made a prediction:

  5. tehran is prb aiding, capts q had link to algerian salafists.

    these jihadoterrorists are not merely centrally directed. there are many franchises and many seeking franchises.
