Sunday, November 06, 2005


HAMMORABI: "This is the latest crimes of the terrorists in Iraq. This baby is 20 days old killed two days ago with all members of his Shiite family who were traveling to visit their relatives in Diyala for the Eid occasion. At least 4 masked cowards; cockroaches emerged from the filth of Al-Qaeda and gunned the family who were inside their minibus. One of them is this 20 days old baby who shot dead directly in his head from the back spraying his brain out."

HAMMORABI has a moving photo of the father holding the baby - and other comments. CHECK IT OUT. It will piss you off - and increase your resolve. We need that to win.

WHILE YOU ARE THERE, check out his post on the impending election:
It is only few weeks to go for the first democratic election to choice a government and national assembly in Iraq. It is expected that the terrorists will also intensify their attacks and efforts to ignite a civil war especially between Sunnis and Shiites. ... The political process is on the move and all the political parties and groups submitted their lists to the Electoral Commission office. ... There are 228 political parties in 21 coalitions however the main coalitions are not more than 5.

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