Monday, September 12, 2005


The US ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, fired a strong warning to Syria yesterday over help that Washington accuses Damascus of giving to radical groups in Iraq. “Our patience is running out with Syria,” Khalilzad told a press conference. When asked how the United States could respond, he said “all options are on the table,” including military. “I would not like to elaborate more, they should understand what I mean,” he added.
I predicted that this front would be our next focus of the GWOT. And that it would come soon. It has just KNOCKED ON THE DOOR. I infer that the USA will soon begin air-strikes against Syria, and to give the GREENLIGHT to the Syrian Kurds that their time has come. STAY TUNED...


  1. What about Iran? Iran is much more dangerous than Syria. Why are we not going after Iran?

    What am I missing?

    And, unless you really believe it, please do not tell me that Iran is on the verge of collapsing. I've been hearing that for several years already. It doesn't seem to be happening.

    The other day, I read an article by Jeff Wheeler where he said he couldn't figure out why the U.S. hasn't fomented an overthrow of the Mullahs.

    That seemed to be a painfully naiive statement to me. It reminded me of people who, during the lead up to the Iraq war, would say we should just assassinate Hussein.

    It's not that easy.

    Iran is the #1 threat to the U.S. and to the world. Why would we go after Syria first.

    I used to think the reason we went after Iraq was that it was a legal war (violation of peace treaty) and we thought it would draw Iran and Syria into the battle. I still think that was probably the strategy but it didn't work then, so that couldn't be our Syria strategy.

    Something seems wrong here.

  2. in ww2, we did not attack germany first - but LAST.

    one takes on battles.makes fronts in the order of tactical relevance, not startegiuc importance.

    yes: iran is the WORST in th axis of evil, but we canot tkae them head-on - YET.

    since 9/11, we have surrounded them as we took down the talioban, saddam and qaddafy and got syria out of lebanon (using DIFFERENT means/methods/strategies/tactics and assets in each case).

    and now, iran is surrounded. and syria and iran and north korea face ultimatums from the unsc - from a soon-to-be revamped UN.

    i'd say that things are going VERY well in the GLOBAL war on jihadism.

    YEAH YEAH: the jihadis killed 200 iraqis last night - with suicide bombers.

    poor shias looking for work!

    it shows that the jihadis are evil murdering scum.

    and that there will be a l;ow level insurgency in iraq for a few-several years. as there has been in israel and the uk and spain and sri lanka and india/kashmir and phillipines and algeria - too name a FEW places where jihaodists are attacking non-jihadists.

    but the "insurgents" will ALL lose.

    it will taker time, but they will lose.

    in the meantime, we will be making thiungs tougher and to8igher on the syrian and the iranian and the nokorean bag guys.

    so: sit tight; don;t give up; keep fighting.

    maintain resolve.

    use your conviction that they are evil and that we are good to steel your resolve.

  3. See? That's why I asked you the question. I hadn't thought about the fact that we attacked Germany last in WWII.

    Anyway, I hope you are right in your predictions.

    This war is a rollercoaster ride for me, lots of up and downs. I don't have confidence in the big picture like you. Mostly, because I don't have confidence the public will back the moves we must make.

  4. we must help keep the resolve of the [public strong.

    i have faith in bush's reslove, but not in his administration's ability to mold public opinion - noit since ari fleischer and karen hughes left his admn. in the first term.

    we can help by attacking the left and the appeasers - and by attacking the enemy - and by attacking the democrat party - which has become a party dominated by isolationists, anti-Semites, and doves. (the dems are like the Old Left in Old Europe.)

    THIS IS A FACT; YOU CAN LOOK AT THE CONGRESSIONAL ROLLCALL TO PROVE IT: most of the dems vote against free trade; 25% of the dems vote against Israel; and most vote against defense spending and arms development. [SOME DEMS EXPLICITLY BLAME ISRAEL/LIKUD Jewish neocons for getting us to go to war against saddam! -AND WHEN THEY DO, NOT A SINLGE DEM LEADER CRITIQUES THEM!!!!!!!]

    as long as the party is dominated by the mcgovernite/michael moore/ben cohen/george soros/peter lewis wing, they are USELESS to the USA and essentially aiding and abetting the enemy.

    I MEAN THIS! and i am a registered dem - have been since 1974. back then i was a leftie.

    now i am, a zell miller democrat - which is what FDR and Truman and JFK would be if they were alive.

  5. Don't know if you know it, but I am also a registered Dem. In fact, Schwarzeneggar was the first Repub I ever voted for.

    9/11 was a punch in the jaw to wake me up.

  6. dont tell me u voted 4 KERRY?!?!?!?!?
