Monday, September 12, 2005


DEFINITION: blinkered; adj. - A blinkered person is unable or unwilling to understand other people's beliefs, and blinkered opinions or ways of behaving show an inability or unwillingness to understand other people. DEFINITION: Blinkers - blinkers UK, plural noun (US blinders), two pieces of leather that are put at the side of a horse's eyes so that it can only see where the driver leads it, and not anything else.

Since Katrina, I have been debating the response with some of my MANY Leftie friends, (as a former Leftie raised by hardcore lefties in NY, NY, and I have many MANY Leftie friends - and even MORE FORMER-friends who are Lefties!).

One retort they ALL seem to make at some point goes sort of like this: "Don't give me that KKKarl Rove RIGHT-WING BLOG crap!"

They often say this after I send them something from The Washington Times, or POWERLINE, or INSTAPUNDIT, but it is just as likely to come after I send them something from the Washington Post or Fox News or a DoD briefing link or even an article they missed in the NYTIMES! IN FACT: on this blog, about 33% of all my links are to articles in the MSM - like the NYTIMES, the BBC, the WASHINGTON POST and the like! Which PROVES I am better informed than they are. HERE'S WHY:

They say that right-of-center media are bad as if:

(a) ONLY the MSM reports the truth, (and everything else is false); (b) if it ain't never been reported in the MSM, then it ain't true; (c) if it's ever been reported in any media outlet which is right-of-center then it is partisan and false, (but EVERYTHING left-of-center is objective); and (c) - HERE'S THE KICKER - if you ONLY READ/WATCH MSM/Left-of-center media then you are more informed and better informed than if you read all media - RIGHT and Left, MSM and blogs (even though all the bloggers always provide links/footnotes --- something you NEVER see in the DT-MSM!) -- as I do, and as they KNOW I DO since often I am arguing with them about how poorly the NYTIMES covers events and how this is ALWAYS biased against the Right.

Of course, their position is NUTS. But BLINKERING themselves is a necessary reaction formation for Lefties. WHY? Well, they need to do it in order to maintain denial in the face of a reality which contradicts their long-held beliefs, irrational historical analyses and failed prescriptive policies. This is the same impulse which drives them to BDS: BLINKERING themselves and thereby maintaining their wall of denial requires that a lot of emotional fuel; hatred is the fuel.

When Lefties DO start to read BOTH sides, they start to become deprogrammed. That's what they fear.


  1. Hey Reliaoundit,
    When did you stop being a lefty? What made you change?

    It was 9/11 for me, as trite as that might sound.

    Most of my friends are lefties. I'm working on a project with a guy who is in the entertainment industry and it's just a nightmare every time he brings up politics.

    Ughh. It's hard to keep the friendships unless you just nod in agreement.

  2. Berlin Wall down;
    post-USSR pollution/eco-disaster;
    Thatcher economic revolution;
    Deng Tsao Ping's intruduction of free marketsb into China - ditto Rao/India; but mostly finally coming to terms wioth thew TRUTH that REAGAN WAS RIGHT!

    his pershing deployment, and aiding the contras was right.
    his tax cuts.

    tho' at the time i didn't see it that way.

    So by the time of GULF WAR ONE I was hawk, and the dems in the senate DISGUSTED ME.

    another big event was the collapse of OSLO and the beginning of the 2nd intifada - and then I realized Bibi was right. And Sharon.

    So, i'd have to say the key was seeing that the Right has a set of values
    and policies based on those values
    that worked.

    fdr and truman and jfk would ALL be neocons today -and they'd support Bush.

    so we're in good company.


    OH: MY HERO IS DR. MLK JR. AND I BELIEVE THAT ALL HUMANS -- regardless of race, creed, gender - anything -- ARE ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR WITH INNATE RIGHTS.




  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    (as a former Leftie raised by hardcore lefties in NY, NY, and I have many MANY Leftie friends - and even MORE FORMER-friends who are Lefties!). posted by reliapundit

    In other words you bretrayed your parents upbringing and betrayed your friends, and now you post your idiotic opinions to strangers and by the "traffic" that you have in your site we can conclude that you are talking practically to yourself, that is very fitting. Just kill yourself, that way you will make a real contribution to the world.

  4. Suggesting that your opponent in debate kill himself is despicable. But killing their opponents when they run out of facts and logical arguments is what leftists always do whenever they have the power to do so. The left always thinks it can solve all human problems by killing people -- Hitler said he would solve Germany's problems by killing the Jews, Stalin said he would solve Russia's problems by killing the kulaks and the Ukrainians, Pol Pot said he would solve Cambodia's problems by killing everybody who wore glasses.

    But facts are stubborn and truth is stubborn.

    The DEMOCRAT party lived off of the rich and poor in New Orleans like a bloodsucking vampire for decades and decades of corruption and mismanagement and malfeasance. The people of New Orleans are reaping what the DEMOCRAT party sowed year after year after year.

  5. anonymous suicide-encourger:

    u r an ass!

    how about commneting on the facts!?
    that's the way debates are won.

    attacking your opponemt on a personal basis is the hallmark of a person with an indefensible position.

    you are opbviopulsy still a leftist.

    that measn you are an anachronism, or at best a vestige.

    nothing marx ever recommended ever worked. no leftist regime ever produced a better life, more prosperity, or more liberty. all leftist regimes always decreased liberty and properity.

    that's why deng tsao ping abandoned marxism/maoism in 1979 - after 30 years and millions dead - and brought a free market to china.

    the result?


    properity is the by-product of freedom.

    my parents were brain-washed by the commies, who used my parents idealism - their desire to eradicate poverty - in order to get them to help establish socialism.

    socilaism always fails, though - and when you keep advocating policies that always fail you are a FOOL!

    by using free market principles (instead of elite drive cammand market priciples) deng tsao ping lifted more people out of poverty in ten years than has EVER been lifted out of poverty in all of human history.

    ditto Rao in India.

    ditto thatcher.

    ditto irleand.

    ditto EVERYWHERE free markets. low taxes and liberty are introduced.

    like eastern europe.

    etc etc etc ...

    so, if one REALLY wants to help the poor, reduce poverty, increase properity

    then one MUST advocate what reagan and Thatcher and Hayek and Deng and rao advocated -

    which measn one must OPPOSE Leftism in all its guises.

    People who are still leftists are holding on to a completely discredited ideology which NEVBER fulfilled what it promised, and in fact always made things WORSE.

    that does not make me a betryaer of my parents; it measn I am flexible enough and realistic enough to advocate policies WHICH WORK, and not merely adhere to policies because I inherited them.

    in other words: i care more about the results, than the idieology.

    if you did, then you'd abandom your silly defense of Leftism.

    all it does it put yoyu on the wrong side of history.

    but maybe you prefer standing shoulder with mao and stalin and hitler and mussolini and pol pot and arafat and castro and mugabe and chavez

    who are/were



  6. BTW: your recommendation that i kill myself exposes that you really do NOT care about yopur fellow human beings.

    but opnly about your ideology.

    that's bad and wrong.

  7. my ranking in the ttlb ecosystem isn't that bad:

    Inbound Unique Links: 472
    Current Status: Large Mammal
    Average Daily Visits: 386 Current Ecosystem Rank: #168

    i have been in the top 200 for months.

    my traffic rating bounces around - i have been as high as top 250, but mostly have been in the top 1500. out of 15 milllion blogs.

    right now i am in top 1000 in daily traffic.

    that's not bad for an anonymous nobody in his first year.


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