Monday, September 12, 2005

45 Bodies Found in a New Orleans Hospital


The bodies of 45 people have been found in a flooded uptown hospital here, officials said Monday, sharply increasing the death toll from Hurricane Katrina and raising new questions about the breakdown of the evacuation system as the disaster unfolded. Officials at the hospital, the Memorial Medical Center, said at least some of the victims died while waiting to be removed in the four days after the hurricane struck, with the electricity out and temperatures exceeding 100 degrees. Steven L. Campanini, a spokesman for the hospital's owner, Tenet Healthcare, said the dead included patients who died awaiting evacuation as well as people who died before the hurricane struck and whose bodies were in the hospital morgue. Mr. Campanini said the dead might have also included evacuees from other hospitals and the surrounding neighborhood who gathered at Memorial while waiting to evacuate the city.

SO... after you read the shocking headline - and wade through the BDS BS - you learn a few FACTS: (1) the dead included people who died elsewhere and those who died BEFORE the hurricane; and (2) that the reason for unnecessary death within that hospital was A FAULTY EVACUATION PLAN AND/OR PLAN EXECUTION. And that means the fault of the state and the city - NOT FEMA. Not the federal government. Not Bush.


  1. Have you see this?

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Thanks to GW Bush and the neocons America now looks more like a Third World country, Republicans persuit of greed and power have give us this result, I wonder what will happen to them in 2006.

  3. Anonymous7:27 AM

    No of course Bush is not responsible of people dying in New Orleans of people dying in Iraq, Bush is not responsible of anything, after all he is the Emperor and to find him responsible of anything wil be "unpatriotic". Let's blame Clinton and Carter about any thing that goes wrong and have more tax cuts for our billionaire friends.

  4. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Let's blame the local authorities, the poor, the negroes, the weather, God and anybody else but let's never take responsibility, we Republicans know how the game is played, and we have the right to remain silent because anything we say can be used against us in a court of law, like the stupid comment that Barbara made about the underprivileged or what GW said about "Brownie" before he had to resign. Just shameful.

  5. i love it when you lwefties post comments here. nothing so indicts the vapidity and hatred of your psitions then your own copmments.

    not once does a laftie EVER offer a fact to counterpoint my fact-basewd logical arguments.

    THE FACT IS: that the city and the state are responsible for evacuating the city, andf they have the power and repsonsibility and the means; they could have used buses which they own!

    the hospital wass not evacuated.

    that is nagin and bvlanco's fault.

    no amount of idioitc BS about "tax cuts for the rich" and miscontruing comments by the former firt lady or comparing us to a 3rd world country can change the FACTS.

    by the way: if youi botherted to read the post (and others) you'd see that the FACST show the emergency relief (EXCEPT FOR THE HORRIFIC AND AVOIDABLE SCENES AT THE DOME AND THE CONVENTION CENTER) was EXCELLENT!


    remeber: ALL those people at the dome and the cc were stranded there because of nagin and blanco, and they were left without security and food or water because of nagin and blanco.

    those're the FACTS.

    you may not like'em, but that don't change'm.

  6. Anonymous10:32 AM

    The head of the National Guard Bureau said Friday the assignment of thousands of Guard troops from Mississippi and Louisiana to Iraq delayed those states' initial hurricane response by about a day.

    "Had that brigade been at home and not in Iraq, their expertise and capabilities could have been brought to bear," said Lt. Gen. Steven Blum, the bureau's chief.

    --Yahoo News

    The Governor of LA requested help Saturday, August 27. FEMA was responsible for coordinating all responses after Sunday, August 28.

    Read the White House and Department of Homeland Security websites and stop embarassing yourself.

    All affected states are complaining about FEMA, not just LA. Have you read the news (other than World Net Daily)?

    "Clearly the FEMA response has been slow," Matthew Avara, mayor of Pascagoula, Mississippi, told CNN Saturday night.

    "We got a lot of good people on the ground here that are with FEMA and with the state agencies," he said. "They wear their badges, and they look good. But unfortunately, we just not have seen all the assets and all the resources that we need in our city."


    MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- About 200 tractor-trailer trucks with ice and water for victims of Hurricane Katrina took a convoluted, weeklong trip to a storage depot in Memphis, partly because of what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers called "miscommunication."

    The drivers were sent to cities that didn't end up needing water or ice and were final directed to Memphis, said Corps spokesman Bob Anderson.


    Gulfport --- After four days struggling to find food and water, and avoid roving looters, the family managed to take shelter with relatives in Jackson, the state capital. There, they face a new ordeal: Two weeks after Katrina struck on Aug. 29, federal disaster aid has yet to reach the Beverlys and other evacuees in Jackson.

    Their frustrated search for assistance mirrors the predicament of thousands of poor families after the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history.

    ``We have to start from scratch,'' Shannyake says. ``We've got nothing. Destiny doesn't even have shoes.''

    Shannyake, a single mother who is separated from the children's father and has no savings, says she hasn't been able to obtain food stamps or financial assistance.

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, which is responsible for coordinating the recovery effort, hasn't yet sent representatives to Jackson. At the state fairground, where the American Red Cross and other private and local agencies are attempting to aid evacuees, FEMA hasn't set up a table.


    Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin told the Atlanta Journal–Constitution, she was “outraged and horrified at the level of response. . . . I'm not really sure what we're waiting for. Are we waiting for everyone to die?”


    After the authorities in Baton Rouge had prepared a field hospital for victims of the storm, Fema sent its first batch of supplies, all of which were designed for use against chemical attack, including drugs such as Cipro, which is designed for use against anthrax. "We called them up and asked them: 'Why did you send that, and they said that's what it says in the book'," said a Baton Rouge official.


    BILOXI, Miss. - (KRT) - Authorities faced a deteriorating and disturbing public health crisis from Hurricane Katrina on Saturday as bodies continued to wash ashore after five days at sea and a possible dysentery outbreak shut down a shelter for hundreds.

    Fuel shortages are hampering supply efforts and causing a breeding ground for disease. There is no working sewage system. Portable toilets are scarce. People are trying to live in damaged homes, finding refuge in their vehicles and in some cases living with strangers.

    In other developments Saturday:

    _A suspected dysentery outbreak resulted in the evacuation of an American Red Cross Shelter on Irish Hill Road across the street from Keesler Air Force Base.

    _Fear of a cholera outbreak caused emergency officials to order that areas south of the CSX Railroad in Long Beach and Pass Christian be evacuated.

    _The American Red Cross was running low on fuel for its relief efforts.

    _No federal or private relief agency had erected tents or other temporary housing for the homeless.

    _City and county officials across the Coast criticized the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Keesler Air Force Base for not doing enough.
