Tuesday, September 13, 2005



''Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government,'' Bush said at joint White House news conference with the president of Iraq. ''To the extent the federal government didn't fully do it's job right, I take responsibility,'' Bush said.
I am convinced that a thorough vetting of the details of the aftermath will prove that the federal/FEMA response will be shown to have been VERY GOOD, and that all the major failures were due to local and state incompetence and negligence. This is based on what we already know.

But that doesn't stop the NYTIMES from MISCHARACTERIZING what Bush said (from the same article):

"President Bush said Tuesday that ''I take responsibility'' for failures in dealing with Hurricane Katrina ..."
OBVIOUSLY THAT IS NOT WHAT HE SAID. They twisted his words to make it seem as if he was admitting total responsibility. WHAT SCUM THE NYTIMES IS. BOTTOM-LINE: Bush has canned brown and taken SOME responsibility for the lack of coordination of the response. THIS IS MORE THAN NAGIN OR BLANCO WHO HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT POINT FINGERS! UPDATE: the MSM is reporting Bush's statement AS IF he accepted FULL responsibilty - which is a distortion which verges on an outright LIE. Gee... I wonder why they would do that!?

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