Saturday, June 18, 2005


A hospital told a patient she would have to wait 18 months for an MRI brain scan, before giving a number to call for private treatment. King's College Hospital told Rachel King she could get the scan privately at the hospital in two weeks. The hospital accepted wait times were unacceptable and said it had recently got funds to help tackle the issue. It later revealed accident victim Ms King, 32, from Kent, would receive the scan on the NHS in September. ... [The patient] Ms King suffered head injuries, a broken collarbone, five broken ribs and a broken shoulder blade after a road accident in January. She was referred for an MRI scan after suffering dizzy spells and reduced vision. ... Health minister Lord Warner told the paper the government wanted to ensure the NHS delivered the best possible treatment as quickly as possible. "By 2008 no one will wait longer than 18 weeks from GP appointment to treatment." ... Liberal Democrat health spokesman Steve Webb added: "To have to wait 80 weeks just to get a diagnosis before you end up on the official waiting list figures is just simply not good enough."
If you think that this kind of healthcare is okay, then by all means support Democrat Party efforts to nationalize/socialize/UNIVERSALIZE healthcare. REMEMBER: getting the wait down to 18 weeks BY 2008! IS THEIR GOAL!

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