Saturday, June 18, 2005



Rafsanjani, Moin head for Iran run-off vote -aides

By Paul HughesTEHRAN (Reuters) - Pragmatic cleric Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani was heading for a run-off vote against reformist Mostafa Moin after the two topped a field of seven in Iran's presidential election on Friday, aides to both men said.

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Moderate cleric Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and hard-liner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad led their rivals on Saturday in Iran's presidential poll, preliminary results showed. Sources close to the supervisory Guardian Council said Rafsanjani had taken 5.60 million of the 26.64 million votes counted out of an estimated 32 million ballots cast in Friday's election. Ahmadinejad was in second place with 5.24 million.

Hmmm: Last night REFORMER MOIN was in second-place, and today HARDLINER AHMADINEJAD is ahead of Moin and in second-place - which makes RAFSANJANI the "reformer" among the two candidates who are left and headed for the run-off.

Hmmm. Seems to me like something is rotten in the state of Iran - and it's called BALLOT-STUFFING! OBVIOUSLY the tyrannical mullahs want Rafsanjani to win. First they denied Moin a spot on the ballot. Second, after initial reports showed Moin coming in second and Rafsanjani NOT getting enough to prevent a run-off - a hardliner more religiously repressive than Rafsanjani has come second.

How convenient. How corrupt.

I wonder: When will the Iranian people stand up and demand their human rights, their innate God-given liberty? Do they have the courage? Looks like to me THEY DO NOT. Iranians are simply NOT as brave as Iraqis. Or even the Chinese of Tiannamen. I thinkm that the Iranians will remain in their chains until they have the courage to fight for their own freedom.

If the Iranian people stand up and take to the streets the way Ukrainians and Georgians and Lebanese did, then the USA will make sure they do not fail. But they must take the first step - the step into the streets. I'm waiting...

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