Thursday, April 07, 2005

"Who you callin' a VIGILANTE?!"

I'm sick and tired of hearing Lefties call the Minutemen vigilantes.

Web definitions for Vigilante :

One who takes the law enforcement into one's own hands.

In modern terms, vigilantes are militias or police which attempt law enforcement, in the usual phrase, "by taking the law into their own hands". Vigilantes often operate in secret.

The Minutemen in Arizona are not taking the law onto their own hands; therefore they are NOT vigilantes. Period. So all you Lefties out there: stop calling them that - NOW. What they're doing is no different than what tens of thousands of other citizens do all over the USA all the time when they volunteer for NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHES to act as the eyes and ears for law enforcement. Our borders are INADEQUATELY patrolled, (either due to lack of assets or malfeasance - or both). The Minutemen will ONLY help law enforcement officers do what must lawfully be done. And for this, all Americans should be grateful.


  1. Anonymous3:56 AM

    What's bad is that President Bush was the one that gave them that word.

    I was pretty irritated with that characterization. The Minutemen aren't more than an hour drive away from me and I have pretty good faith that they are practicing great restraint and character in what they're doing.

  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    One who takes the law enforcement into one's own hands

    That's your definition. Open your eyes and observe the objective reality. These people are practicing law enforcement on their own. They are not law enforcement officers. Therefore, they are vigilantes.
