Wednesday, April 06, 2005


The Left and the MSM they dominate was very quick to criticize - NAY EXPRESS OUTRAGE - in regard to an ill-phrased comment made by GOP Senator Cornyn which they misinterpreted as threatening violence to members of the judiciary.

I do not recall ANY similar outrage - or even mild rebuke - when Senator John Kerry actually brandished a shotgun from the podium, and gleefully announced that he would have liked to take it to the Presidential debates.

The HYPOCRISY of the Left and the MSM they dominate knows no bounds.

(YUP: Kerry was encouraging violence against the president by brandishing a gun, and the MSM said nary a word. Not even BOO. Sheesh! CAN YOU IMAGINE IF BUSH HAD DONE THIS!? OR TOM DELAY!?!? THE LEFT AND THE MSM THEY DOMINATE WOULD'VE NEVER STOPPED BLATHERING ABOUT IT!)

Welcome JAWA REPORT readers! Take a look around! And if you don't read JAWA twice a day: YOU SHOULD! JAWA has a few other links on this point.


  1. Anonymous2:09 AM


    You do know what sarcasm is, don't you?

    For the record, I don't think that Cornyn intended to incite violence either, but his original statement was rather ambiguous and could have been (and was by some) interpreted as providing justification for violence against the judges. It was nice to see him come out and clarify his position.

    But comparing his "ill-phrased comment" (your words) to an obvious joke of Kerry's is borderline ridiculous. I don't know how any reasonable person could come to the conclusion that Kerry might be trying to justify shooting the President.

    Deep breaths help.

  2. can u imagine if bush or cornyn had made the same joke!?

    and: jokes that imply violence against a president are just as bad as "ambiguous" ones that are meant to be serious. and are as bad as novels that do (like the one just published about assassinating Bush).

    but the MSM ignores Lefty incitement to violence, and instead PILES ON when a conservative makes a serious comment - which if you read the whole thing, the whole Cornyn statement - is clear he was DEPLORING violence; (and remeber: Cornyn WAS a judge, and had just come from a meeting with a judge whjere they'd discussed violence against judges.)

    so: the story here is the OBVIOUS BIAS.

    denying that is inane.

  3. Given the heated and irrational vitriol coming from the Kerry campaign and supporters, I expected an assasination attempt on Bush, and that was before Kerry's Doc Holiday impersonation. Sarcasm, right.
