Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Today's MUST SEE video (C-SPAN): Pres. Bush in Medal of Honor Ceremony

From the White House in Washington, DC, President Bush participates in a Medal of Honor Ceremony. 4/4/2005: WASHINGTON, DC: 20 min.

Here's an interesting point from a man much wiser than me:

The New York Times chose to cover the award of a posthumous Medal of Honor to Sergeant Paul Smith with two small photographs of the ceremony at the White House. There was no article. Paul Smith willingly gave his life for his friends. He is credited with saving more than 100 American lives by taking actions of valor and courage, disregarding his own safety. He died in the defense of his country, in defense of a free and democratic Iraq, and in defense of the liberties that we all enjoy.

That the Times - and much of the other major Left-wing dominated MSM news-outlets chose not to report his example of heroism would be bad enough in and of itself. But the fact that the Times - and other MSM news-outlets - have repeatedly chosen in the recent past to devote nearly full-page profiles to deserters and war criminals, makes it a shame and it ought to be a scandal! Especially when one considers this years Pulitzer Award photography scandal.

WHOSE SIDE IS THE LEFT-WING MSM ON?! They're NOT neutral or objective or pacifist: THEY'RE ON THE OTHER SIDE!

(BTW: you should always check C-SPAN for their videos - and then JACKSON JUNCTION.)

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