Thursday, October 28, 2004

An Ailing Arafat and the decadently amoral French: PERFECT TOGETHER!

*****UPDATE::::: (hat tip DRUDGE)

PARIS, Oct. 28 (Xinhuanet) -- France will be always on the side of the Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat, French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier declared Thursday. "France, as I told you (Arafat) in Ramallah on June 30, will be always on your side to back your effort in favor of a just and negotiated peace," Barnier said. "It is with concern and sympathy that I keep informed of the development of your health," said Barnier.

Yahoo News via Drudge (also AP via FOX) HEADLINE: "Ailing Arafat 'Being Taken To Paris'" For medical treatment. His wife Suha and his daughter live there. She will accompany him on his flight - it seems:

"Meanwhile, his wife Suha has arrived in the West Bank, having travelled from France. She has not seen her husband since a Palestinian revolt against Israel broke out in 2000."

MORE ON SUHA - From Jeruslaem Post(a story from earlier in the year):

"French prosecutors said on Tuesday that they had opened a preliminary inquiry into transfers totaling 9 million Euros ($11.5m.) into Suha's bank accounts at The Arab Bank and at French bank BNP in Paris. The Paris public prosecutor has confirmed the report, originally published in the Le Canard Enchaine weekly, that an inquiry has been launched against Suha on the basis of information provided by the Bank of France and a government anti-money laundering body. The CBS News Sixty Minutes program reported in November that Arafat continues to send his wife Suha $100,000 from PA aid funds each month to Paris, where she lives with their daughter. The New York Daily News reported that Suha had been staying in the luxury Bristol Paris Hotel and had rented an entire floor for herself and her assistants at a cost of $16,000 a night."

Arafat - a genocidally murderous and utterly corrupt man - is dying; that is a good thing - one less vile terrorist on the loose, and also the prospect that after he dies there will be an internecine war in which more bad people will kill each other. THAT'S VERY GOOD.

WILL SUHA BE KEPT ON HER GINORMOUS $25,000/week ALLOWANCE (which comes to her at the expense of poor Palestinians)? Amoral Parisians sure hope so, I bet...

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