Friday, October 29, 2004


A few days ago, while I was checking in at HUGH HEWITT'S blog, I found a simple recommendation there: go to THE RIGHT SCALE and read what should be your talking points (or something like that). I followed HH's advice, and found five simple, direct refutations of five key parts of the Left-wing attack against President Bush. HH was correct; they're great. I also coincidentally found that Dick McDonald, THE RIGHT SCALE BLOGGER had just posted an excerpt of an article of mine (which he found at DISSECTING LEFTISM - another great site.
I emailed Dick to thank him for the link, and to see if he would let me post his five refutations - and he agreed. Here they are (abridged and adapted):

In this poltical season, many people become victims of distortions of fact about many things: deaths in Iraq, deficits, stolen munitions, the draft, economic malaise. Many people worry because Kerry keeps saying that the economy is a disaster, or - as the Manhattan elite put it: "If Bush wins, the world as we know it will end." Well here are the facts in perspective:

1 - Stolen Munitions:
Wow, 380 tons of munitions at one munitions dump 20 miles south of Baghdad are missing. Forget the fact that these munitions went missing before our troops captured that dump. What's 380 out of the 400,000 tons already recovered at 1 dump out of 10,000 dumps already identified. Paul Bremer says that Saddam purchased almost 1,000,000 tons of munitions, mostly from France, China and Germany. Now, John Kerry calls for Bush's scalp for the 380 tons. Numerically brain-dead.

Even if it was lost on our watch, IT IS'NT 1/10th of 1% of what we have ALREADY found and destroyed - over 400,000 tons. And RDX is NOT SEMTEX, and no more explosive than TNT.

2 - Deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan:
We have conducted and won two wars and lost less than 300 soldiers in the hot portion of those wars. Apparently the hand-wringers are in a catatonic fit about it. Forget that we lost 58,000 in Vietnam, 50,000 in Korea and 300,000 in WWII. It goes to show that if the NYT has the immaterial and insignificant to blow into a worldwide controversy, they will lie, deceive and omit the issue to their anti-American end. We have yet to lose even 1/2 as many volunteer military soldiers as we lost innocents on 9/11.

3 - The Deficits:
Conservatives are wild about Bush's failure to veto any spending bill in his first term. Discarding the issue that the legislature only asked him to sign what Bush had previously approved, the importance of this particular deficit is totally immaterial and insignificant. Americans GDP is running at $11.7 Trillion this year. A $415 Billion deficit is just about 4% thereof. Now with a war, stock-market bubble bursting, recession-fighting, accounting scandals, tax cuts, etc., please give me a break; (in WW2 we ran up a DEFICIT that was 50% - THAT'S FIFTY PERCENT of GDP.) Has this 4% deficit driven up interest rates. No. This deficit is immaterial and insignificant. And have you forgotten that the net worth of households and non-profit orgs is running at an annual increase of $3.2 Trillion.
4 - The Draft:
Why a draft. There is no reason. Just a scare tactic by the Democrat scoundrels. Why have 400,000 boots on the ground. We won the Afghan war with less than 10,000. And in many cases major encounters were won with air power and small special ops troops. We are now in the era of digital wars. Our capabilities are so sophisticated that no one left Baghdad even though we were bombing day and night. Adults should look at the numbers and get real.
5 - The Economy:
John Kerry says the economy is a mess. Gee, A third of every dollar spent in the world ends up in an American's bank account. What a mess. What a greedy ingrate this Lurch is. He has no executive experience. No concept of the job he is aspiring to. Elevating him to Commander in Chief is tantamount to putting a bus driver in charge of Harvard. His managerial skill is questionable, suspect and untested. Unemployment at 5.4%. Wow. Best percentage in 20 years. And the economy grew by more than 4% in the last quarter. Kerry's Hoover comparison is pure demagoguery.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Great stupid law information. Check my site if you get a chance as well stupid law
