Thursday, October 28, 2004

ARAFAT & OLD EUROPE: or why Bush is unpopular on the continent

Arafat's journey to his home-away-from home - Paris, makes me think...

One of the major reasons Old Europe hates Bush is because Bush refused to meet with Arafat. After all, Arafat was the foreign leader whom Clinton had met with MORE THAN ANY OTHER during his two terms. But Bush felt that Arafat could not be trusted, and that Arafat was an obstacle to peace. Bush was right. Old Europe and Clinton - WRONG.

Bush's refusal to meet with Arafat must be seen in tandem with his open declaration IN FAVOR of Palestinian statehood - IN FACT: Bush was the FIRST president to openly advocate that position. But Bush PREDICATED that eventuality on Palestinian democracy and transparency - two things IMPOSSIBLE as long as Chairman Arafat - a terrorist - held on to his dictatorial powers (essentially running the territories as his personal fiefdom - if not a crime family's territory).

Perhaps after Arafat's death - (may it come at the right time, and after real suffering!) - Old Europe will embrace democracy and TRUE self-determination for Palestinians -- (which of course will require destroying Hamas and Hizballah and the rest of the Syrian and Iranian and alQaeda suppported Jihadoterrorist groups).

(I have a feeling that would require the death of anti-Semitism in Old Europe - and that is too much to realistically expect. We can pray for it, but we must not expect it.)
So what's in store for Israel? Well, if Kerry is elected we can expect him to curry favor with Old Europe by adopting a more so-called neutral position - which CAN ONLY MEAN a more neutral position on Palestinian terrorist groups. But where is the MORALITY of that!? Should terrorist groups which advocate the destruction of Israel and genocide of all Jews be treated as the equal of the democratically elected government of a pluralistic state like Israel!?

Such a proposition would be simply absurd - if it weren't so immoral and depraved.

But Kerry really wouldn't have any other choice, would he? Would Kerry risk alienating himself from all of Old Europe over Israel? NOTHING in his life or in his Senate career or in this campaign argues that he would stand up for Israel. In fact his life, and career and campaign argue for the opposite. He openly called on the USA to abandon South Vietnam, and the Contras - and the Kuwaitis.

I guess that's why so many anti-Semites all over the world - and a few terrorist organizations are for Kerry. And why a majority of Israelis are for Bush.

OBVIOUSLY: from all that he has done in the GWOT, Bush has repeatedly proved he has the courage to stand up for Israel, and against Old Europe. Bush has done - and will do - whatever it takes to defend the USA and our allies in the GWOT - of which Israel is one.

Even if it means remaining UNPOPULAR in Old Europe.

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