Thursday, September 13, 2018

Sana Amanat supports the awful Linda Sarsour

The tweet seen in the following screenshot was posted by Amanat in the past year or so, and gives an idea of just what kind of people she stands with, no matter how reprehensible their ideologies:
Yikes...Amanat supports Linda Sarsour, one of the most vicious Islamists in left-wing politics and a leader of the phony women's march at the time in Wash. DC? Some of Sarsour's most offensive remarks include incitement against Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Brigitte Gabriel, vicious attacks on Zionism/Israel at an event that was supposedly against antisemitism, and even, more recently, calls to stop humanizing Jews. As the Queens Gazette says, the left's giving the wrong person a crown. And one the worst offenders in that regard is Amanat, who's made clear by her endorsement that she's practically against the Jews who founded the comics medium as we know it, including Marvel guru Stan Lee. No wonder the Muslim Ms. Marvel series has since tanked.

And this is a sad reminder of how the world Lee built up has long been destroyed by these infiltrators who despise all his creations stood for. If these are the people who've become the overlords devastating Marvel from within, that's why it's probably for the best that their demise come sooner than later, rather than have it all turned into a true demon-fest.

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