Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Friedman on 9-11 Memorial

During this year's 9-11 Memorial service, US ambassador David Friedman spoke in the above video interview about how Israel and the USA share the same tragedies and values. And he's absolutely correct. He deserves much credit for making some important points.

Update: and here's more about this year's 9-11 Memorial service, including Donald Trump's courage to state that Muslim radicals attacked America during 2001:
President Donald Trump proclaimed September 11th as Patriot Day, acknowledging that the United States was attacked by radical Islamic terrorists on this day in 2001.

“Although that fateful Tuesday 17 years ago began like any other, it erupted into horror and anguish when radical Islamist terrorists carried out an unprecedented attack on our homeland,” Trump wrote in his proclamation, noting that the terrorists were “enemies of liberty.”
Here's also news of a memorial service he attended along with Melanie Trump, this year's Flight 93 Memorial service, pictures from the time, the Pentagon's memorial service, notes on how researchers are still trying to identify 1000 victims years later, and an important reminder by a commissioner that jihadists will try to strike again.

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