Saturday, October 01, 2016


Similar to France, Bulgaria's also banning Islamic veils (Hat tip: Jihad Watch):
BULGARIA has banned the burka – and warned those who flout the law will be fined £662 and lose their benefits.

Bulgaria’s parliament banned the wearing of face veils on Friday in a bid to boost security in the wake of Islamist militant attacks in Europe.

The new “burqa ban” law, which had been driven by the nationalist Patriotic Front coalition, comes after France, the Netherlands and Belgium banned the wearing of burqas or niqabs in public.

The ban will not only apply to Bulgarian citizens but also to anyone temporarily in the country.

The new law states that clothing that conceals the face may not be worn in the institutions of Bulgaria’s central and local administrations, schools, cultural institutions, and places of public recreation, sports and communications.

Krasimir Velchev, a senior lawmaker for the ruling GERB, said: “The law is not directed against religious communities and is not repressive.

“We made a very good law for the safety of our children.”
Any religion that wants to be seen as positive wouldn't call for concealing - and denying - one's identity, nor for risking health by covering the body in a way that could lead to osteoporosis.

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