Saturday, October 01, 2016


The NY Observer (via Breitbart) tells of a new startup business called Blockstack that's putting together a new internet frequency. One that can't be censored:
The Blockstack approach should make shutting down the internet or blocking a particular site considerably more challenging. Domain registration is turned over to a blockchain (right now, that’s the original bitcoin blockchain), and no private interest needs to be involved. There’s no single point to tell computers where to look to find a site. There’s lots of places, and the more people use it, the more places there will be. If one path to information is shut down, another can found.
This is an interesting idea, just what we needed if we're worried about ICANN as it stands now. If they're planning alternate businesses for setting up root zone programs, it's just what I was thinking of myself, and this proves I'm not the only one who thought of the possibilities. I congratulate the company for thinking of this, since IMO, nobody should have to rely on just one single business for setting up domains and such. There does need to be competition.

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