Friday, June 17, 2016


A co-worker of the jihad monster confirmed he was as religious as can be:
A former co-worker of Omar Mateen says he was “a devout Muslim” who prayed several times during his shifts at the security company where they both worked.

Monday night, Fox News’ Megyn Kelly spoke with Daniel Gilroy who worked with Mateen for about a year at a security company. Gilroy tells Kelly he and Mateen were alone each work day during a shift change and that Mateen made bigoted remarks on every single occasion they were together. After 8 months of this, Gilroy finally went to his supervisor to report what was happening.

Asked why he waited so long to report Mateen, Gilroy replied, “I wanted to make the job work. I wanted to keep the peace. I wanted to not be the trouble-maker at work.” But the company didn’t fire Mateen so after four months or requesting a transfer, Gilroy quit. Asked if he was surprised to learn Mateen had carried out the attack in Orlando, Gilroy replied, “No, not at all.”
Good grief. The man truly was a product of the Koran's mentality. Truly disgusting.

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