Tuesday, June 14, 2016


A jihadist who was only under surveillance and not jailing murdered a policeman and his wife. Their son, who was also threatened, survived:
A police commander and his partner were stabbed to death at their home west of Paris. Their three-year-old survived.

The attacker was killed in an police assault on the house.

He had spent time in jail over jihadist links and had a list of targets including public figures, police say.

Named by French sources as Larossi Abballa, he had also been under recent police surveillance, including a wiretap, say media reports quoting police sources.

Paris Prosecutor Francois Molin said that Abballa had pledged his loyalty to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during negotiations prior to the police assault on Monday, and had stated that he was answering his call "to kill infidels".

Three people linked to the man were arrested and placed in custody, he said.

Police say the man lay in wait outside the policeman's house on Monday evening before the ambush took place at around 20:30 (18:30 GMT). After the murder he went inside the house and killed the policeman's wife, and held their three-year-old son hostage.

Abballa, 25, was shot and killed when police entered the couple's home in Magnanville at about midnight, hours after he posted a 13-minute video on Facebook Live in which he swore allegiance to IS.

In the video, he was shown considering what to do with their son, according to French jihad expert David Thomson, who watched it.
The son was lucky to survive. And the police did the right thing to gun down the jihadist, who should've been kept in jail, and above all, sent for psychological evaluations. However, according to this information:
Abballa was sentenced in 2013 to two and half years in jail due to his connections to a Jihadi group with links to Pakistan. He was freed after serving his sentence and was awaiting trial.
So they released a dangerous monster when he should've been kept incarcerated. Because of that jaw-dropping irresponsibility, an innocent man and woman are now dead. If they don't start modifying procedures to ensure satanic creatures like that jihadist won't be released, this could happen again.

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