Sunday, May 15, 2016


Almost all of London's East End is becoming a Muslim enclave now while indigenous English leave the neighborhood:
London’s Cockney culture is being driven out of one of its last remaining bastions, Newham in East London, which has seen its white population halved in the last 15 years. The area now has the lowest white population in London leading to pubs and working men’s clubs are closing down and a loss of Christian traditions.

The borough of Newham lies just five miles east of the City of London, banking capital of the world, but locals say it now looks less like a British city, more like Baghdad.

The area was once characterised by its white working class population, mostly cockneys who moved in during the 1800s as dockworkers during an era of unprecedented global trade. But now ethnic minorities make up 76 percent of the borough’s population, making it the most multicultural place in Britain.

“People who haven’t been for many years come out of Upton Park Station and say: ‘I can’t believe what’s happened here, it could be Baghdad,’” says Peter Bell manager of the East Ham Working Men’s Club.

His customers agree. “It’s hard to find somebody who speaks English in Newham,” one says. “We’ve always been a country where immigration plays a part, but not on the scale you find now.

“You go from Aldgate to Barking and there is very few English people left.”

Another says: “The biggest change I think is the pubs shutting, there are so many pubs closing down. Muslims don’t drink, so that’s another major change.”
They could easily have been forced to close by sharia enforcement gangs. And there's modern London for you today, where English culture, whatever you think of it, has been supplanted by Islamists, and even eastern Europeans who immigrated to the UK aren't enough to ensure otherwise. I've got a feeling someday, the UK soap opera on television called EastEnders is going to look very dated indeed, even if it is set in a fictional neighborhood.

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