Thursday, May 19, 2016


Lieberman may have learned a lesson after refusing to join the coalition about a year ago. At the same time, he may have convinced Netanyahu to support death penalties for terrorists:
Coalition negotiations between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Yisrael Beytenu chair Avigdor Liberman were almost completed after Netanyahu agreed to the condition of setting the death penalty for those who commit terror activities.

Members from both parties exchanged a final draft of the agreement on Thursday agreeing on the death penalty, however both have not agreed on the specific conditions.

In a meeting that lasted less than an hour Wednesday afternoon, Liberman accepted Netanyahu’s offer of the defense and immigration and absorption portfolios and support for key Yisrael Beytenu-sponsored legislation.
I'd say Lieberman's doing the right thing to finally join up, after Moshe Yaalon otherwise proved disappointing. The position supporting the death penalty for violent and murderous terrorists is something that will have to be taken up as a deterrant sooner or later, because there's just so many repulsive jihadists out there who have to be sent a message. In the end, the question is whether Lieberman can stand strong on his position.

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