Wednesday, January 29, 2014


1 comment:

  1. Why do Senators who are qualified lawyers and as brilliant as Ted Cruz, refer to the Attorney General as "General Holder"? That is idiotic. In the title "Attorney General," "Attorney" is a noun, and "General" is an adjective. The plural form is "Attorneys General," not "Attorney Generals." Eric Holder is not a "General."

    Apparently it is the practice in a number of courtrooms to address the AG as "General Full Name" during court proceedings. That still seems idiotic to me.

    According to one website I found, the usage became common as a derogatory dismissal of Janet Reno: ""Spoke with an acquaintance who is a retired Judge Advocate General Corps brigadier general and now a law professor. He indicated the use of “general” started with US Attorney General Janet Reno, when some in the media hung the title on her as a result of her role in “the defeat of Branch Davidian forces at the 1993 Battle of Waco.” Over the years there have been increasing cases of misuse of the title by those who don’t realize that “general” in attorney general is not a title but an adjective used to modify/describe the noun attorney."
