Wednesday, January 29, 2014


There's a valid worry jihadists who went to Syria will bring their skills back to Australia:
UP to 120 Australians fighting in the Syrian civil war and learning deadly skills which could be used on their return are being funded by Muslim communities here collecting money for humanitarian aid.

Federal Attorney-General George Brandis also warned yesterday that some fighters could commit terrorist acts in Australia.

"These individuals not only potentially breach Australian laws and commit offences offshore, but upon their return to Australia pose a significant national security risk," he said.

Australians fighting in Syria would gain new skills "including the ability to conduct an attack on Australian soil," he told 200 policing experts from around the world at the Interpol Global Security and Counterterrorism Convention in Sydney.
This is just why those who choose to waste their future committing jihad in Syria should not be allowed back into western countries again.

On a related note, two more Muslim teenagers in France were arrested en route to that war zone. But whatever penalties they get may not be enough.

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