Monday, April 15, 2013


Pamela Geller's written about some of the propaganda exhibits that falsely claim there was ever a "palestinian people" of Arab/Islamic background (Hat tip: Jihad Watch):
Today we are at a point where history and facts must be “erased” and rewritten, because truth is racist-Islamophobic-anti-Muslim bigotry. Historical revisionism has taken on a new life, as history is scrubbed and manufactured Muslim myths are presented as fact.

Pioneering historian Bat Ye’or recently visited the British Museum and found that “Palestinian propaganda and its cohorts of EU bowdlerizing troops have also visited the Museum – which is why all the information notes pertaining to the artifacts that mention the history of the Kingdoms of Judea and Israel now also mention the word “Palestine” – even 3,000 years B.C. – while the name was only given to the land in 135 A.D. by Roman Emperor Hadrian when he incorporated it into the Roman Empire.”

This is beyond depressing; it’s shocking. The “Big Lie” Nazi-esque narrative has been thrust upon every corner of culture, education and “dialogue” in the weak and subdued West. There is no escape from this Islamic imperialism. Shariah enforcement extends far beyond the obvious attempts to silence critics of jihad and Shariah. The scrubbing of the 270 million victims of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavements from academic texts has been going on for well over a decade. The demonization and smearing of politicians who dare speak against the most extreme and radical ideology on the face of the earth is virtually automatic at this point, as is the self-enforcing Shariah compliance of the mainstream media. And now, history itself is being rewritten.

There is no “historical” Palestine – it’s Israel. The Romans wanted to punish the Jews after their defeat at Masada in the first century. The Roman emperor Hadrian meant to erase the name of Israel and Judah, so that there would be no memory of the country that belonged to that Jewish people. He wanted a name that would humiliate the Jews, and found that in an extinct people called the “Philistines,” the enemies of the Israelites.

Some things never change – but it is fitting that the namesake of today’s “Palestinians” is the Philistines. And they do indeed mirror the savagery of that ancient and now-extinct people.

Nor is the British Museum alone. 1001 Muslim Inventions, a traveling museum exhibit, has appeared all over the West to huge acclaim. (A half-million visitors attended it in Los Angeles alone.) It has indoctrinated hundreds of thousands of children into a rosy and romanticized view of Islam that makes them less appreciative of their own culture’s achievements and more complacent about Islamization in the West.
Definitely disturbing, and needs to be countered whereever it's being displayed. That's another something I hope Geller will bring up in her next conferences.

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