Monday, April 15, 2013


Giulio Meotti's spoken about how many British writers are anti-Israel:
British intellectuals have gone anti-Semitic. Today you won't find a single Quixotic writer in the UK who would openly defend the State of Israel and its people. It is the debacle of the entire British cultural elite, a kind of ideological conformism like that in the Soviet Union, which Czeslaw Milosz called "the Captive Mind".

Famous UK author Iain Banks just announced that his novels would no longer be published in Israel. “I support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign because, especially in our instantly connected world, an injustice committed against one, or against one group of people, is an injustice against all, against every one of us; a collective injury,” Banks stated in The Guardian daily.

“My particular reason for participating in the cultural boycott of 'Israel' is that, first of all, I can; I’m a writer, a novelist, and I produce works that are, as a rule, presented to the international market,” underlined the best selling novelist.

Banks belongs to a long list of British writers who proclaim the sentence to death on the Jewish State and its people. It is impossible to keep a list of writers and poets who have endorsed Israel's elimination: Kevin Cadwallender, Jimmy Powdrell Campbell, Jenny Diski, Alison Fell, Naomi Foyle, Ian Gregson, Sarah Irving, Fred Johnstone, Wendy Klein, Diane Langford, Tom Leonard, Catherine Lupton...
And the list goes on and on. But at least I can save a load of money on their output, which probably didn't have much going for it anyway.

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