Friday, March 29, 2013


So many things are ludicrous about this article:
Commonwealth Court has refused to dismiss a lawsuit filed by a state prison inmate who claims that prisoners who belong to the Nation of Islam are being denied their religious rights behind bars.

Kevin Mobley, who is serving a life term for murder in the state prison at Fayette, contends in his suit that instead of allowing Nation of Islam members their own religious services, state prison officials require them to worship with other Muslim groups that are hostile to their beliefs. [...]

Mobley, who is acting as his own lawyer, is trying to pursue the suit as a class action that would cover all prisoners who are adherents of the Nation of Islam, an Islamic sect founded in Detroit, Mich., in 1930 with a stated aim of improving the lot of African-Americans.
Just what did they do anyway? Nothing but make them a potential danger, and possibly turning them to socialism, the very ideology that hurt many blacks to start with. Malcolm X only made things worse for blacks after he took up such a poor example.
In his suit, Mobley contends that instead of allowing Nation of Islam inmates their own worship services, they are being lumped in with Sunni Muslims.

That is a hostile mix, he claims, because Sunnis believe the tenets of the Nation of Islam to be blasphemy and that Nation of Islam members aren't true Muslims. He seeks a court order requiring prison officials to allow separate services and religious materials for inmates who follow the Nation of Islam.
Sure, many Muslim sects can be hostile to one another, but that doesn't mean any of them deserve the privileges at all, and they don't. No matter what Muslim sects are in jail, there's the danger of jihad recruitment among all of them, and the influence alone is dangerous. This is exactly why some lawmakers have taken issue with allowing this kind of religious prayer to go on in jails.

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