Friday, March 29, 2013


The Cadbury pastry company is making halal products, all for the sake of multiculturalism:
As Cadbury ramps up its inventory for Easter, a little-known fact has come to light about its candies — many are sharia-compliant.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, halal certification has become a big business as sharia law continues to extend throughout Australian culture.

Cadbury’s halal certification includes 71 products which are halal, ranging from Cadbury mini eggs to Caramello Koalas to Red Tulip chocolates. The website also states: ”We do not have any kosher-certified products.”
I guess it's either kosher or halal, since it can't be both at the same time. That's definitely sharia-compliant. All concerned Australians should avoid Cadbury if this is how blatant they're going to act. Another unfortunate revelation is that Nestle is also kowtowing to this as they helped sponsor a halal forum in Malaysia last year.

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