Monday, October 04, 2010

Muslim Albanian Terrorist given 100% Mortgage for Bomb Factory!

From Julia Gorin:

A muslim Albanian terrorist, allowed into Britain in the chaos that is the immigration policy (...) was handed a 100% mortgage by the Natwest bank - for £93,000 - for a property he turned into a bomb factory.

He is quoted as saying, "I love to see Jews and Americans killed!"

Regarding the UK immigration policy: how difficult is it to guard a small island from the predations of savages? We have managed it in times of less-sophisticated technology: giving the Spanish Armada a good kick up the North Sea, 500 years ago!

More from the Daily Mail.


  1. The Daily Mail covers the Jihad better than any daily paper in the Western world.

  2. Are you sure this isn't the new Adam Sandler movie?


    Maybe we should be bombing Great Britain on the principle of Darwinian stupidity
