Sunday, October 03, 2010

Arab NASA scientist believes in "jinns" and "ghouls"!!

If this guy gets to the top of NASA, we will be going BACK in time 1400 years!

From Elder of Ziyon.

Also, a man convicted of "sorcery" in Saudi Arabia,  awaits news of his beheading as punishment. Here.


  1. I wonder if this "scientist" has been watching too many episodes of "I Dream of Jeanie!"

    Surely there must be a "Dr. Bellows" at NASA that can straighten this clown out!

  2. Hmmm...perhaps Disney could hire him for their next movie?"The Djinn from outerspace"?

  3. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Muslims have no freedom to have religion other than Islam. They don't ascribe themselves to territory or have ANY boundaries, other than the ones that they conquer.

    Islam is a religion of Conquest and Submission.

    These people believe in what would amount to voodoo. They fear the devil more that Allah. They kill people, not for DOING something but for believing something. That is totally against Judaism and Christianity, which allow people to practice as they choose and Jews are commanded to treat peaceful "strangers" in their land as guests.

    ISLAM is EVIL.
    hattip - at my blog. :)
