Thursday, October 25, 2007


This is irrefutable evidence that the war in Iraq is tied to the larger war against Islamic terror:
One of the alleged masterminds of the 2004 Madrid train bombings which killed 191 people has died in Iraq while fighting US-led coalition forces, a Spanish daily said on Sunday.

Spain was informed several months ago of Daoud Ouhnane's death in Iraq in October or November 2006 by foreign intelligence agencies, El Pais newspaper said, quoting a confidential police report.

Ouhnane's fingerprints were found in the car that transported the bombs used in the early morning attack on commuter trains in the Spanish capital and other places linked to the bombings.

The Algerian-born Ouhane was believed to have a played a key role in the bombings, Europe's worst-ever terrorist attack.

He remained in contact with Islamic terorist cells based in Spain's affluent north-eastern region of Catalonia until his death, the report said, adding that he spent time in Turkey and Syria before going to Iraq.

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