Thursday, October 25, 2007


The AFP is reporting that defense minister Ehud Barak has approved of cutting the power supply, but there's no way to know until it actually happens:
JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak approved electricity and fuel cuts against Palestinians living in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip on Thursday in an effort to curb rocket attacks on the Jewish state.

The decision was likely to overshadow talks on Friday between Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas that have already been coloured by mutual recriminations in the run-up to a Middle East meeting.

Barak took the decision after reviewing a series of sanctions recommended by army top brass and defence officials in the wake of Israel's classification of the already impoverished Gaza Strip as a "hostile entity" last month.

"Defence Minister Ehud Barak approved the recommendations from defence officials for periodic cuts in electricity and limitations on fuel supplies, given the continued rocket attacks," his ministry announced.

Officials did not say when the measures would come into effect, but implementation requires no further government approval.
Or does it? Only when it actually happens will you and I know for sure if this vital step in combatting terrorism was implemented.

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