Sunday, September 02, 2007

HEZBOLLAH'S NEW MUSEUM - shows no gratefulness to the USA for leashing Israel

Here's the really unseemly thing about these vicious, genocidal Islamic lunatics - total ingrates:
A menacing picture of Condoleezza Rice announces that "This war is part of birth bangs [sic] of the new middle east [sic]," while a jester-like George W. Bush assures viewers that "[o]ur nation is wasting no time in helping the people of Lebanon." Former Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz, in Israel's crowning moment of the war, gazes pensively through capped binoculars. "Hassan Nasrallah won't forget the name Aameer Peretz [sic]," quotes the caption under his larger- than-life portrait.
What does a misguided American administration have to do to get some love from these people?

They kept Israel leashed during the entire war - no attacks on Lebanese infrastructure being used by Hezbollah, no attacks against Hezbollah infrastructure that was connected to the government, etc. Israel couldn't get Nasrallah while he was in Beirut because Israeli attacks on Beirut were - wait for it - being strongly condemned by the State Department. And still nothing. There are some particularly zealous anti-Israel leftists who really, really wish that Hezbollah had achieved a great military victory. You know what the problem with that is? The part of history when Nasrallah was crawling to Arab leaders begging them to have the US call the IDF off.

[Read an extended version of this post at Mere Rhetoric]

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