Sunday, September 02, 2007


Hey, what do you think the odds are that the AP writeup of Fred Thompson's June 6 announcement included a drive-by slam at Jeri Thompson? Answer: not low:
Organizationally, Thompson underwent a series of staff changes - including the replacement of his manager-in-waiting - and other departures amid consternation about the active role of Thompson's wife, Jeri. At the same time, little progress was made setting up organizations in key states.
"Consternation about the active role of Thompson's wife, Jeri." Where have we seen that line before? Could it have been earlier this week when the AP used the exact same line to trash Jeri? This isn't scandalous or anything, but it does show a certain degree of total mind boggling laziness on the part of AP hacks. If you're going to try to get a meme to congeal, the least you can do is not use the exact. same. line. We're not asking for objectivity here. Just a little effort.

Seriously - this line was so obviously a poorly written awkward smear that we bolded it the last time that the AP dropped it into their "news reporting". And now they did it again - because apparently no anti-Republican smear is too ham fisted to use just once.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

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