Monday, May 14, 2007



This is the debate in which Sharpton - the convicted slanderer and Democrat candidate for the 2004 presidential nomination, and friend of fellow racist and race-baiting fraudster Tawana Brawley, and the nanny-state's hero Mike Bloomberg - made bigoted remarks about Romney and Mormons.

Hitch has debated scum like this before - he debated George Galloway a last year.

This debate was about religion and God: Hitch is an avowed atheist and Sharpton a preacher. Lincoln-Douglas it is not.

Watch the debate if you want. Hitch is ALWAYS entertaining and brilliant. In this case he is also WRONG.

Remember, Hitch is also an AVOWED SOCIALIST.

You know what SOCIALISM IS, DON'T YOU!?

Hitch doesn't. He is blind to it's horrors.

In fact, socialism killed more people in the last century than religion did in the previous 30 centuries. Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, Castro, Saddam, Assad, DELIBERATELY MURDERED HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. And their economic policies killed millions more.

By comparison, religion killed nobody. Except for wars between Muslims and other Muslims, and between non-Muslims and Muslims. [Tribalism and nationalism killed many millions, too - on all continents.]

And religion has also given us the greatest book of all time - The Bible (so sorry Hitch': it ain't Das Kapital!), and also gave us Bach - and so much more GREAT MUSIC, and also gave us the Sistine Chapel, and the Salisbury Cathedral - and so many more GREAT PAINTINGS & BUILDINGS, and religion gave us Pope JPII - (who was the catalyst who liberated eastern Europe and helped bring down the USSR from... er um SOCIALISM), and religion gave us Buddhism, and Hinduism, to - and ... well, you get the idea.

What did socialism give us" HERE, (partial list): genocide on an unprecedented scale and ugly architecture. Gulags, soup lines, a literal and figurative state of fear.

And when the walls came down in eastern Europe, the people went to church again.

As they say, nobody is getting into boats and risking their lives trying to GET INTO CUBA. Likewise, whenever and wherever atheistic totalitarianism is vanquished, nobody lines up to get into the "atheists club" -- they wouldn't even if there was such a ridiculous thing.

And it's no accident that from the time of the Maccabees, up through to the time of our Founding Fathers, up through to the time of Solidarity, the fire which burns so deep so bright within each of us has been nurtured and informed by faith in the Eternal, in the transcendent, in the "meta-human" - by faith in God-given rights. And God.

Without God-centered transcendent values humanity does what is right in its own eyes. And this relativism always devolves into the amoral and then the immoral.

Sure, we fall short very often; history is replete with our all too HUMAN short-comings. We may never be able to perfectly see and know or do what the Lord wants us to do, or live the way the Lord wants us to live. It is an eternal striving - worth striving for; as Lincoln said:
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in...
All of Lincoln's greatest speeches are imbued with religiosity and faith in the Eternal. This faith - a millenniums old faith in the Eternal, and NOT the faith in a failed and entirely discredited ideology of the last century - is what shall finally set us ALL free. Not faith in Marx.

Like the old Negro spiritual gospel says - (most famously quoted by that wonderful PREACHER and GREAT HUMAN LIBERATOR DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.):
It's no accident that Great Liberators as disparate as Lincoln, King and Lech Walesa were all men of faith.

Nor that Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot and the others were atheists, materialists and tyrants.

These tyrants were not smarter men than the great liberators. They were wrong. And evil.

The tyranny of man-over-men is always evil, and always ULTIMATELY an affront to the Eternal; the "Divine rule of kings" was always a dirty, self-serving demagogic lie.

There is but one Lord above us all; He endowed us each with inalienable rights, and no king, no state, no materialist ideology has any sound moral basis to abridge these rights without sufficient and testable legal cause and due process. This is at the very core of our democracy. Without it, we embark down a slippery slope, one which has usually landed humanity in chaos, degradation, enslavement, and wanton destructiveness.

Atheism denies that there is any such thing as an extra-human, non-material, Eternal and transcendent value and force. We are merely somewhat rational animals to atheists like Hitchens. If we would but behave RATIONALLY and dispassionately all our social relations would be fine. The soul is an illusion to them. God a lie.

I've seen the world THEY make. The social utopianists. It is hell.

I choose God.

UPDATE: A good ironic music-video proves the point as well...

UPDATE #2: another good music video exposing the commie atheists. Via KisP.


  1. A stellar post. So much said in so few words.

  2. thanks. spread the Word.

  3. think Atheists who are collectivists are evil.

    On the other hand I am an Atheist but I believe in the human soul.

  4. well bern' u r halfway there!

    God would rather u behaved well then believe in Him.

  5. God would rather you behave well then believe in Him and NOT behave well.

  6. your post implies that there can be no positions orthogonal to the your reviled socialism and believing in something , whose existence you cant prove anyway , other than refering to your babble , which is just a book and who knows what God told anybody anything and Why we will take it at face value. If belief is so soothing for souls like you with a bigger adrenal gland , then always play with your toy but let other skeptics to air their view as well. And how come you lump Assad and saddam with the rest of he socialists (And we dont know whether they were really were anything other than evil monsters), who clearly did all the horrs with religion baiting.
