Sunday, February 04, 2007


Last week I posted my thoughts concerning the Bush Surge in Iraq, and the other two surges in the region: The Afghan Surge, and the Persian Gulf Surge.

I posited that these THREE SIMULTANEOUS SURGES (which virtually encircle Iran) were not merely coincidental, but planned - part of cranking up the pressure on Iran, and not just to get them to cease their ILLEGAL nuke program, but o possibly attack them preemptively and by surprise, (possibly in coordination with intra-Iranian revolt).

The highest-ranking U.S. general to lead troops in Afghanistan took command of 35,500 strong NATO-led force Sunday, putting an American face on the international mission after nine months of British command.

Gen. Dan McNeill replaced British Gen. David Richards at the helm of NATO's International Security Assistance Force at a time of increased violence and just before an expected uptick in fighting as spring settles in.
I feel that the "Spring-time offensive" is a cover story for the truth: we will preemptively attack Iran this Spring. This is why also Israel built an anti-terror wall, evacuated Gaza and attacked and decimated Hizballah, too: all in preparation for the preemptive attack on Iran. Maybe. This single scenario explains a lot of disparate things not otherwise explained.

Both Bush and Hillary have said publicly that they would not count out the use of force against Iran to prevent therm from going nuclear; (OKAY, BUSH SAID NUK-U-LAR!). For a long time I have felt this would happen not later than January 2009 - BEFORE the next president is inaugurated. Now that the Congress is controlled by the Democrat party - and the Democrats are controlled by their left-wing dove/enemy-appeasing base, Bush has probably moved up the clock.

Ultimately, things in Iraq and Lebanon and Gaza CANNOT improve unless and until Iran is neutralized. The UN and the IAEA CANNOT do this - not as long as Putin is on the other side, (arming Iran, and "running interference for them in the UN). therefore military intervention is our only recourse. A preemptive attack on Iran - destroying their nuke assets, their air force and navy and their refineries - is better than a nuclear Iran, which would be like Hitler having a nuke in 1942.

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