Sunday, February 04, 2007


In the first article here, from the Jerusalem Post, we find out that Fatah overlord Muhammed Dahlan's nephew was kidnapped:
Tensions between Fatah and Hamas were again running high in the Gaza Strip following the kidnapping of Fatah leader Muhammad Dahlan's nephew by Hamas gunmen on Sunday afternoon.

According to reports, Ashraf Dahlan was stopped at a Hamas checkpoint when the incident occurred. Currently there is no information of his whereabouts, nor have any demands been issued for his release.
And I won't shed any tears for him. Terrorists, and it's most likely that he was too, aren't deserving of any sympathy for their "problems".

In the second article, also from the JPost, this is quite a surprise: "palestinians" saying that they don't deserve a state, and even admitting that they're ashamed to call themselves palestinians!
"Everyone here is disgusted by what's happening in the Gaza Strip," said Shireen Atiyeh, a 30-year-old mother of three working in one of the Palestinian Authority ministries. "We are telling the world that we don't deserve a state because we are murdering each other and destroying our universities, colleges, mosques and hospitals. Today I'm ashamed to say that I'm a Palestinian."
Well, this is certainly getting somewhere. Maybe people who give an answer like that will also be willing to consider that the whole notion that there was ever a "palestinian people" of Arabic backgrounds was all a fabrication, and that the name "palestine" itself was conceived by the Roman empire as part of their own attempt to delegitimize Israel, for political purposes.

Will they begin to wake up and understand that? UPDATE: MORE HERE.

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